Tuesday, March 4, 2025

If "democracy dies in darkness", so does evidence


The Washington Post adopted a new slogan when President Trump was elected:  "Democracy dies in darkness".  I don't know why it felt the inauguration was so dark, but they're entitled to their opinion, I guess.

Now it emerges that the Southern District of the FBI in New York City had been sitting on "a truckload" of evidence from the Jeffrey Epstein case, and had not even reported its existence to its superiors in Washington D.C.  What better way to interfere in the administration of justice than to keep the evidence so dark, nobody in high places knows it exists?

U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi revealed that the Department of Justice has received more Jeffery Epstein files from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after the document release she touted last week fell flat. 

Speaking to Fox News host Sean Hannity on Tuesday night, Bondi confirmed that a "truckload" of Epstein files were delivered by the FBI after she gave the agency until 8 a.m. on Friday morning to deliver them. 

"I gave [the FBI] a deadline of Friday at 8 a.m. to get us everything," Bondi explained. "And a source had told me where the documents were being kept, Southern District of New York, shock. So we got them all by Friday at 8 a.m."

"Thousands of pages of documents. I have the FBI going through them...and Director Patel is going to get us a detailed report as to why the FBI withheld all of those documents," she continued.

There's more at the link.

I see that the boss of the Southern District was given a choice between immediate retirement or being fired (he chose the former).  However, he's only one person.  How many others of the same ilk had he recruited and/or transferred to his district, to ensure that it would be run the way he wanted it?  How much more evidence and important information is still hidden in the files and computer servers of the Southern District?  And how much may already have been destroyed, rather than admit its existence?

A few years ago I said that "The FBI can no longer be trusted in any way, shape or form".  I hope that, with the changes that have just begun to be introduced under the Trump administration, that judgment may be revised . . . but this latest brouhaha over the Epstein evidence doesn't give me any immediate cause for relief.  There's still an awful lot of partisan political deadwood in the FBI that needs to be pruned back and burned out.



Aggie said...

"... What better way to interfere in the administration of justice than to keep the evidence so dark, nobody in high places knows it exists?..."

What better way to sift through the evidence in comfort and security, to better dispose of it?

Anonymous said...

As far as the FBI goes, I would say, "Prove yourself trustworthy before I trust you." They've dug themselves a deep hole as far as credibility, and I trust actions over words.

HMS Defiant said...

If I was to serve on a jury in a trial of any kind and the prosecution offered any evidence tainted by FBI I would reject it out of hand as complete fabrication. The FBI is corrupt to its core and has to go. Every single person in the FBI needs to be sacked and refused any further employment in law enforcement and a lot of them should be tried for crimes they have committed in their service to the state.

Trumpeter said...

If you leave one bad apple in a barrel it will spoil ALL the others if given time. Especially if it is the Head Apple. Consider the whole office corrupt unless presented with strong contradicting evidence. Seek out those who were fired. They are the hones good cops!

Anonymous said...

This is just ONE issue. Think about all the other files that are hidden throughout all of .gov on everything else. DOGE will not find it all.

Charlie said...

We will never see the full epstein files. Anything incriminating is long gone. Not destroyed, but long gone. There is no way in hell mossad is gonna give up the powerful blackmail material their agent gathered.

The doj AND the fbi are tainted beyond all hope of saving. Fire them all, prosecute who we can. Let the us marshalls handle whatever needs investigated from here on out. With the caveat that they an never work for govt in any form again.

BobF said...

Exactly who and what is their "trust level" regarding the redactions that will be made in those "new" documents? All it takes is the redaction of a single sentence to change a LOT of legal issues.

glasslass said...

Can the Pam Bondi even release the names without having served warrants for their arrest? Otherwise I would think the minute she utters a name to the press they will bolt. They have the means and probably already have a place prepared. One with no extradition of course.

Beans said...

The lack-of-substance release last week was Bondi's way of forcing the FBI's hand. She knew they were holding information. Patel knew, everyone knew. So Bondi released what she had, which was basically bupkis.

People made fun of her for the low-intel release. They don't understand that she's playing the long game.

Anonymous said...


"Apparently, the Attorney General was unaware that Gislaine Maxwell was prosecuted in New York and all the Epstein evidence was co-located with the trial venue as some of the post-conviction legal arguments and appeals are taking place."

Jess said...

The FBI has become a U.S. version of the KGB.