I'm seeing and hearing more and more frustration on social media and in other venues concerning the lack of arrests, trials and convictions of those most of us blame for our country's present woes. Be they politicians, activists, liberal-progressive judges, or whatever, we know the damage they've done, and we want them to be held accountable for that. More and more people appear to be getting angry with President Trump, Elon Musk, D.O.G.E., etc. for not doing enough, quickly enough.
The problem is, such anger and frustration is misplaced. It took literally years - in some cases, decades - to dig the hole in which we, as a nation, find ourselves. It's going to take more years to carve a path around and up the sides, so we can climb out of it, and then refill the hole behind us to make sure we don't fall back into it. President Trump and his team are accomplishing almost miraculous results already, but they've been in office for only about two months. They're dealing with almost two decades of political poison, incompetence, ineptitude and deliberate malice against what America had traditionally represented. It'll take more than just months to get there.
Another issue is the courts. I understand that there have been almost three lawsuits launched against the President and his policies for every day that he's been in office. Every one of those lawsuits - often filed by "venue-shopping" to ensure that sympathetic judges hear them - has to be answered, argued against, appealed when necessary (which is most of the time), and so on. Many of the courts' rulings have been blatantly and self-evidently unconstitutional, with judges acting in defiance of clear, black-letter constitutional law. I agree, those judges need to be slapped down, and hard - but it's got to be done in accordance with the law. If we start to act outside the law, we render our entire constitutional foundation moot. Anything goes, and anything will go - even violence, even civil war.
I'm one of the few people in America who has actually witnessed a violent, bloody civil war "on the ground", up close and personal. It's ghastly beyond my ability to describe. I never want to see it again, and particularly not in the country that I've adopted as my own, and come to love. Nobody in his right mind wants that.
The President is doing his best, and his enemies are doing their best to frustrate him at every turn. It's going to be a long haul to get to the finish line, and there's no way to hasten it right now - not unless the Democratic Party representatives and senators have a "road-to-Damascus" conversion and start cooperating in restoring constitutional government to our nation. That would be a miracle indeed! I happen to believe in miracles - I'm a man of faith, after all - but I'll be astounded if that particular miracle occurs.
Meanwhile, friends, let's give our President and his people space and time to do their jobs. Let's try to understand the enormous obstacles they're facing, and support their efforts to remove such obstructions from their path. Let's try to calm down those who are frothing at the mouth and demanding arrests, trials, prison sentences and even executions yesterday, if not sooner.
As German chancellor Otto von Bismarck famously said:
"Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable — the art of the next best."
That's what President Trump is trying to achieve. If we insist that he reach for the impossible, the unattainable, the very best . . . we'll render all his efforts futile.
For our country's sake, let's not do that.
If the law, and Justice itself has been left raped and moldering in a ditch on the side of the road: then it is the responsibility of We the People to put those monsters in the same ditch.
Agreed. The high road was never advertised as the easy one.
You make a good point...
Where are the Epstein documents though? Where are the Charges for those who have broken the law?
I am all for going through the courts...but we have people that we KNOW broke the law. Why are they sitting there uncharged?
While I agree with your sentiments about not wanting to see open civil war, don't forget we don't get to make that call exclusively. There are those on the establishment side ("the left") that are making that call already. Just remember the swatting calls against only conservative talk show personalities. That's attempted murder. Think of the constant attacks on Elon Musk of all people, Tesla corporate buildings, dealerships and even individual Tesla owners. Need I talk about the BLM burning cities down a few summers ago?
The left has been striving for civil war for decades.
It's not that simple:
1. We've seen Trump abruptly break his promises to "lock her up" and release the JFK files, etc. before.
2. Trump's not fighting a normal political opposition. If he gives them time to breath, they are likely to regroup and do to Trump and his family what they did to the Romanovs.
3. The Constitution hasn't been enforced in a long time. Don't believe me? When was the last time that gold and silver coins were legal tender?
4. Trump's mistreatment of Thomas Massey over an issue where Massey is clearly in the right is downright shameful.
Amen! Do it right. We have one chance to repent and get it correct. If we choose the quick and easy our grandchildren will suffer the consequences.
I could not have said it better. Lets keep praying for our country and its elected leadership.
President Trump has a duty to defend the Consitution. These judges who ignore the law and usurp presidential authority are erngaging in sedition. Chief Justice Roberts is allied with them with his refusal to reign the rogue judges in. It is absurd to think that the way to respond is to appeal to the very people who are corrupting the process. The federal judicial system can no more review actions taken by the President in the scope of his consitutional authority than the President can authorize spending or Congress can change the consitution by legislation. Defense of the consitution requires defiance of rogue justices and prosecuting them for sedition.
The problem is that the lawfare is working as designed. It is bogging down the Trump administration as it has to deal with the many lawsuits being brought against it. Many of those lawsuits are being filed even though they know they will likely be struck down on appeal, but they are sand in the gears. What the Trump DOJ needs to do is start investigating all of the judges, and find their conflicts of interest and bring charges against them.
I'm not 100% convinced that "arguing everything in the courts" is actually a Constitutional requirement. Clearly District Court judges have no authority over the operations of the Executive. They are usurping the authority of the President to oversee and run the bureaucracy. There is no law that gives them such authority, up to and including the Constitution. So what happens if the Supreme Court unilaterally declares that the court system has full authority to monitor and overturn the day to day operations of the Executive Branch, which is what we are working towards here? The Executive has as much authority to refuse the claim as the Court has to make the claim. This idea that somehow the judicial system is the final arbiter of everything is not an originalist idea, but came out of power grabs by the court system. If this is allowed to stand, then the Executive becomes a sub-branch of the Judiciary, and the people no longer have a voice, something never envisioned.
By the way, as far as I can tell, the Executive is actually asking for expedited appeal to SCOTUS on all of this stuff, even if refusing to comply in the short term, as compliance would effectively destroy the reforms that the President is trying to implement.
When I see fraud these days my mind goes to is there an Epstein like twist. There was an insider questionable land sale at a local church to the preacher’s sister in-law. My mind went to was there some pervert conduct also going on also? I have no knowledge, but perverts are thieves and thieves perverts. Tom
The Left already acts entirely outside the bounds of the law and the Constitution all the time. They have done so for years. Generations even. The only reason we don't have a civil war is we haven't fought back. What do you call it when only one side uses their weapons in a fight? Genocide.
Every weapon my enemy uses against me is meet and fit for me to use against him.
The problem is we don't have that much time to fix things. Probably just 4 years. The political pendulum swung way to the right. The leftists are now working hard to shove it back to the left. And with the tens of millions of morons who subscribe to their insanity AND who are allowed to vote the left has an excellent chance of regaining power. Perhaps as soon as the next election. If they can regain seats in the House and just a few in the Senate they can hamstring Trump and his efforts. Unless Trump DESTROYS the political pendulum the left will regain power. And once they do they will likely render it impossible to ever remove them from power again. They are evil, not stupid. As long as leftists are allowed to exist they will never cease efforts to rule. And NOTHING is off the table in terms of what they are willing to do. We have this one final chance to destroy leftism. If this chance fails America is finished.
Lots of decades. Going on a century that I can track it to, when FDR got into office in 1933, and his "New Deal" started throwing money out like confetti. Then the War Production Board during WWII.
I get that people are frustrated. When prices rise, when things feel uncertain, it’s easy to look for someone to blame. But the thing is—how did we get here? Are grocery prices high because of some liberal judge, or is it because corporations have raised prices faster than costs? Why is Social Security in danger—because of activists, or because politicians have borrowed against it for decades while cutting taxes on the wealthiest?
If 'political poison' has been building for decades, shouldn’t we be asking who was in power for much of that time? We had Republican control of the White House for 12 of the last 20 years, along with years of full GOP control in Congress. If we’re in a deep hole, shouldn’t we be looking at everyone who had a shovel?
And about those lawsuits—Trump filed more lawsuits than any president in history, including ones that tried to overturn the election. If lawsuits are slowing down governance, isn't that just how the system works for everyone?
I get that people want accountability. But who’s really taking your money? Who’s really keeping wages down? Who’s actually benefiting from your anger? It might not be who you think.
Blanket parties are called for. When a judge realizes the law he is dismantling won't protect him maybe his tune will change. A skillful beat down adjusts bad behaviour like nothing else will.
The cops and federal agents are the same people who saw no crime and see no harm in terrorists hunting you and they took no action then and are less inclined to take any now and even if they do, the prosecutors are all the same and they don't see what the left does as criminal so they don't prosecute and the judges haven't changed and are still as communist in outlook, thought and deed as they were trained to be at Harvard and Yale. It takes time to sweep out the stable and in the meantime, somebody has to start replacing all those scumbags despite knowing that the top scumbags are going to remain as the Chief of Police, Head of Division/special agent in charge and, DA, ADA and chief judge. It will take decades.
The Constitution died in 1861. The Nation died in 1789. It was set up to fail. Articles of Confederation were better. Novus Ordo Seclorum, E Pluribus Unum, Annuis Coeptit, and all that....now reap the crop.
I will note that the rest of the job has to come from Congress. Trump and the DoGE are doing a most worthy job of illuminating and cleaning out the grift in the executive department, but if we want to solve the biggest problems we need to keep up the pressure on the Republicans in Congress to finally stop the overspending.
I think that Trump is not proceeding with arrests etc. because he is keeping his powder dry for the mid terms. That is when the left will try to regain some of the positions of power and overturn any and all reforms.
If he starts to arrest the people that are "on the lists" (Epsteins, for example) and releases the information and evidence of corruption at that point (estimate 6 months before the mid terms) and bog them down defending themselves, then it will be far more beneficial to do so than to give them two years to defend themselves and recover.
That information is a weapon and needs to be employed at the best time for maximum results.
Phil B
I still think that we are 60 days away from Civil War 2.0 here in the USA.
What is the President's constitutional authority?
Read the Constitution. It's pretty clear.
The funny thing about civil wars is that all the moderates think they can limit the violence and killing. In most civil wars they’re the first agains the wall.
Tragically, that's very often true. I'm a moderate, in that I believe in dealing with problems before they get to the blood-letting stage. However, I've learned the hard way (and I MEAN "the hard way") that once the bloodshed starts, the time for talking is over. Men of violence will no longer listen to mere words. One has to deal with the extremists, the violent, before moderates can once again make themselves heard . . . that is, if there are any moderates left to do the talking.
Peter is right to call for time.
I see someone here complaining about the JFK files not being released, at the time I'm writing this, they have been released.
If Trump just defies the courts, his 'win' will last only until the Democrats regain power and reverse his EO (or gain power in congress and Impeach him again)
But these low level judges who are so out of control are being reversed on a regular basis when the case moves up to higher courts. The 'emergency appeals' aren't getting granted, but once a decision is made, the odds of it being revered is pretty high.
It is FAR better in the long run to let these Leftists go crazy and show how out of control they are and get reversed than it would be for Trump to thumb his nose at them.
This administration is pushing back hard. In the case of the gang members being deported, they now have the judge stating that they before they entered the courtroom to make their arguments, they should have assumed that the judge would rule against them and acted as if he had already done so.
One of the most significant changes from his first term that did not get revered by Biden was Betsy DeVos and her work in the Department of Education. She slogged through the Administration Procedures Act requirements and passed rules that college kids have the same rights when they are accused of something through the school as anyone would have if on trial in a court.
Doing things following the rules takes longer, but it's far more durable.
I also think that many (but by no means all) of the things that Trump has done in the last two months are things he WANTED to end up in court. He did them early so there is time to have the cases work through the court system before the end of his term (Birthright Citizenship being a prime example of this)
For some of these things, nobody is really sure what the right way to change them is. If the courts end up upholding Trumps EO, that's good. If they say that Congress must act, at least we have clarity and a clear directive for people that agree with Trump to browbeat their congressional reps to support a bill to fix it.
David Lang
I don't think he is doing his best. Instead of focusing on the federal government and trimming it in a rational, fast way, he has spent far far too much political capital picking fights with Canada, Greenland, Europe, Southeast Asia, the Commonwealth, etc. He created a war on two fronts: a global trade war and an internal war over the federal government. That was stupid. It was also incredibly stupid to go after the National Parks department so quickly; there is bipartisan love for the parks and in terms of bloat it is not the biggest one. Wasted political capital for little gain. Also, I don't even want to hear another 'joke' about a third term, that plays straight into the hands of the opposition.
Open violence and civil war may be the last things we want...but they're both still on the list.
Some cancers can only be cured by bloodshed and fire.
And the fastest way to end a war is to surrender.
Look up the stats on outcomes for rape victims who resist, versus those who acquiesce.
Then extrapolate that to a society.
Our republic has been getting butt-raped for decades.
The "color inside the lines" response seems to be working about as well as the "turn the other cheek" defense.
If your only mission in life when fed to lions is to resolve to taste bad, I wish you God's grace.
But you're not on my team, and my God thinks you're an idiot, or He wouldn't have given you strong arms, brains, guts, and a backbone to connect them all.
And when last I looked, deliberate martyrdom is just Suicide Under Color Of Authority. The words Pride, Vanity, and Mortal Sin all come to mind.
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