Shades of Tonya Harding, only more public!
The guilty party is trying to make excuses.
If you believe that, you'll believe anything . . .
All I can say is, this is what happens when everyone is told that they're the "best". When someone proves to be better than them, their reaction is to lash out in anger and jealousy, rather than accept that they've just been beaten. That's my view of this, anyway. In this case, "If you can't beat 'em, beat 'em up!"
Thanks for that. You're the best! ;-)
Allegedly smacked her in the head?
Nice choice of end photo. 'Twas my thought exactly.
I know saying it will be taken as evidence that it's not true, but I honestly don't have a racist bone in my body. I served in the military for 21 years and some of my best shipmates were black, hispanic, asian and one particularly fearless Navajo indian (call him a "native american" and risk a punch in the nose).
But I am absolutely biased against certain cultures and this is a prime example of a culture that I have no use for. Considering that this is a local issue to me, it's not in the least surprising that the offender is from Portsmouth. Thug culture thrives there.
Prediction: The "solution" will be to start using plastic or foam batons rather than aluminum; because it's always the weapon that's to blame, not the thug that's using it.
Freshman football, 60 years ago… 0 wins, 11 losses, 1 tie. Dumb kids wanted to fight the winner(s) after every game. I was certainly no star linebacker, but even I knew, “If you can’t beat them on the field you probably can’t beat them behind the bleachers”.
That's assault and battery. There should be an arrest.
You can always tell someone is guilty when she switches to the passive voice. "She got hit" tells me everything I need to know.
Stupid, classless behavior. If this remains her pattern of behavior, she will likely not be a high achiever in life. Break the pattern, or the pattern will break you. Put another way, stupid hurts, and keeps on hurting, until you get smart.
So much for:
1. Sporstmanlike behaviour.
2. The English language.
Africa Wins Again.
Lincoln's plan should have been implemented.
It would increase the mean IQ of two continents.
The only reason she is crying is she got caught.
When you are raised in a culture of violence and lack of self control certain behaviors can be expected. Whether or not a tendency to violence is genetic is debatable. But there is no question that cultural norms are a factor.
I'm hoping Everett (the hitter) is thrown off the team and denied a varsity letter, if she is even allowed to graduate, but I don't buy a concussion and possible fractured skull unless the hit girl took a header coming off the track.
On the other hand why did the first girl cut in so closely? That looks like interference on her part too.
Neither girl comes out smelling like a rose. Really sad.
The aggressor needs to be removed from the team and sanctioned so she can't compete elsewhere.
Also, the smoke detector chirping when she was trying to spin her version of events was deeply gratifying.
Accidental contact? Accidental enough to cause a concussion and fractured skull? Don’t they drug test athletes because she’s high if she thinks anyone believes that.
In the second video at 1:10 you can see the girl doing the hitting was nearly outside of her lane. Arms were outside and feet landing just about on the line. The girl who got hit was well within her lane and not cutting in yet.
Then the girl in the second lane speeds up. Still in her lane.
When the girl in the second lane gets ahead by a body length, the girl in the first lane knocks her in the head with the baton.
After getting hit the girl in the second land veers into the first lane. So it appears she was not cutting in early. The still photo at 1:19 shows this pretty clearly that the hit occurred while the girl in the second lane was still in her lane.
Uh, was there seriously a smoke alarm chirp at the 1:01 mark where she started making her excuses?
I'm going to propose that the physician who examined the victim may have a better diagnosis than you. Arguing that there's no concussion or skull fracture, based on a video, seems speculative at best.
Yes there is.
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