Saturday, August 24, 2024

Saturdays will be a break day on this blog


I'm still dealing with health issues, and everything else going on in life, the universe and all the rest.  It's sometimes (often) just too wearing to have to come up with a Saturday Snippet on a regular basis, particularly if the days immediately prior have been very busy.

Therefore, for the foreseeable future, I'm taking Saturdays off blogging - with the exception of anything major developing out there, or if I find something that's really worth sharing.  So, there may be a Saturday blog post now and again, but not on a regular basis.  Sunday Morning Music posts will continue, I hope.



Jen said...

Take care of yo🙏

Amahl_Shukup said...

Get well, internet friend, and take care of yourself.

boron said...

please take care of yourself today; I'd like to read the column tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Take Sunday off too. We’ll survive. Rest is good for the mind and body as well as the soul

libertyman said...

Hmmmm, resting on the seventh day has a familiar ring to it.

BobF said...

Excellent prioritizing. Health MUST come first.

Old NFO said...

Don't blame you a bit!

Bob C. said...

Do what you need to do in order to stay vertical and sane. We won't go away.😉👍👍

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter

For distraction -

For movie watchers via comments at Jo Nova -

"If you happen to be in Sydneystan on August 31, they have a 40th anniversary showing of the 1984 release of Nineteen Eighty Four at the Hayden Orpheum at Cremorne.

That is, unless Big Brother bans it before then.—40th-anniversary "


"If you can’t get to Sydney: "

Andrew Smith said...

Peter, you have our full support.

BadFrog said...

Peter, take of yourselves . As for posts, I'd rather have quality than quantity.