Monday, August 5, 2024



A couple of weeks ago I put up a "Thank you" post to the anonymous reader who sent my wife and myself a gift pack from Killer Bees Honey, whom we've met in these pages on several previous occasions.  It was a most welcome and very kind "Get Well Soon" gift, and we appreciate it very much.

A number of you clicked over to Killer Bees Honey to buy some for yourselves, but were frustrated because they soon ran out of available honey.  I had a few complaints via Comments and e-mail.  However, there's good news.  They've now processed this summer's Sourwood honey harvest, and also managed to find a couple more "supers" of wildflower honey.  Both are now available in their shop, the latter restricted to one bottle per purchaser, the Sourwood without limitation.  They're expensive, but it's probably the best honey in north America (at least to my palate), so you pays for what you gets.  Shipping is free for orders of two or more bottles.

I'm not being compensated in any way by Killer Bees Honey for boosting them here, not even with free product.  The apiary is run by someone I've known online and (more recently) in meatspace for years, and I like to help my friends:  and I certainly like to point my readers in the direction of good things.  Highly recommended.



gwalchmai munn said...

Is the honey really made by "Killer Bees"? Like South American Killer Bees?

Old NFO said...

Good folks and GOOD honey!!!

Anonymous said...

The sourwood is amazing. Yes, expensive. But nothing matches up with fresh hot bread quite the same.

tsquared said...

Always buy local honey. Especially if you have allergies. I get my honey from a local who calls his honey "Farmblend". He provides hives to the big farmers in the area. He also has a "Blueberry Blend" for his hives in the blueberry farms.

SQT said...

My husband’s birthday is this month and he’s a honey fiend. He’ll love this.