Thursday, August 1, 2024

Laws of physics? What laws of physics?


Bollywood fight scenes strike again!

Just once, I'd like to see a movie show exactly how hard it is to take a full-strength punch and come back from it.  Very few people can do it - even hardened martial artists find it tough enough, and there are not that many of them.  A well-thrown punch, or a suitably placed hard blow with a hard object, can kill someone right there.  I've seen it done, more than once.  (African grudge fights between tribes offer plenty of examples.)

Of course, in Bollywood (and Hollywood for that matter) that reality isn't very important . . .



Anonymous said...

about 40 some odd years ago, I lucked out and caught a punch that some other drunk was trying to hit me with.
granted, I was half shot myself and it was pure luck it happened. still a lot of bullshit stories where told by the guys that saw it that night in west Berlin.
I guess it saved me a few fights later on though.

1chota said...

Many years ago when I was in my mid 30s my partner and I were chasing 5 guys to arrest them. One stopped and turned into us. I hit him full force on the side of his head and hit the ground and started doing the funky chicken. My partner said: "you killed him!" I said: "shut up!" Fortunately I did not but it sure scared me. I was only 5'10" and weighed 185.

Tsgt Joe said...

I’ve done very little fighting in my life, some squabbles as a kid and a teen. As an adult working in a psychiatric hospital I got rather adept at avoiding a punch then grappling to restrain a violent patient. I well remember when i was about 17 I got into a disagreement with a man and he took me out with one punch to the jaw. I had a doctor friend who saw the damage people could do with just their fists when he worked in the emergeny room

CT Ginger said...

A good friends brother was at an outdoor event where a fight between two there guys broke out. My friends brother caught a misdirected punch to the back of his head and hit the ground dead. One single punch.

Kansas kid said...

It hurts to get hit, and, by golly, it usually hurts when you hit some one anywhere in the head. I leave that fighting stuff to kids.

Anonymous said...

I saw a news story today about a female boxer in the Olympics was going against a transgender man for her bout. He nailed her twice and she terminated the bout. There was no way she could fight someone who was not really a woman.. His mass, heavier bones, more muscle, makes it an unfair fight. It’s a travesty the Olympics, or any sport, will allow trans to compete against women. This has to stop.
Southern NH

Old NFO said...

Yep, just 'slightly' over the top...

Nate Winchester said...

Peter need to watch RRR if he hasn't yet.