Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Will your health care - or lack thereof - depend on your political views?


We've seen how "woke" ideology is invading the medical profession, and has been for years.  Dr. Stanley Goldfarb's well-known article and subsequent book of the same title, "Take Two Aspirin And Call Me By My Pronouns", showed how medical education has been hijacked by the progressive left and turned into just another ideology, rather than a science.

Now comes news that in formerly Great Britain, nurses may be allowed to use your political views to determine whether or not they're going to treat you.

In the name of ‘anti-racism’, the UK’s Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has quietly abandoned its commitment to provide universal healthcare and is encouraging its members to violate a core principle of medical ethics.

On 6 August, the RCN issued new guidelines granting medical professionals permission to refuse to treat patients whom they perceive to be racist. The new guidelines are a response to the violent riots that engulfed parts of England and Northern Ireland earlier this month. These erupted after the Southport knife attack in late July, in which three young girls were killed at a dance workshop. The guidelines specifically legitimise denying a patient care if that patient exhibits ‘discriminatory behaviour, including racism’.

Ahead of the publication of the new guidelines, Nicola Ranger, the RCN general secretary and chief executive, issued a statement denouncing the ‘despicable racism’ seen during the riots. ‘As an anti-racist organisation’, she stated, ‘the RCN will take a lead part in tackling this hatred’.

. . .

The quixotic social-justice goal of the RCN took shape this spring when it held its inaugural ‘anti-racist summit’ and promised ‘to transform the RCN into an anti-racist organisation’. It then issued its ‘equity, diversity and inclusion strategy’ to provide ‘mandatory learning and development’ for accredited representatives to ‘enhance their knowledge and understanding of the wider EDI agenda including intersectionality and anti-racism’.

There's more at the link.

How long before the same attitudes appear among US nursing organizations?  How long until one's medical care depends on who one's voted for, or which organizations one's supported with donations, or the content of one's social media posts?



Maniac said...

"That no-one could buy or sell anything save he that bears the Mark."

Trailer For Sale Or Rent said...

Medical care is a lot like dark humor... not everyone gets it.

Anonymous said...

Years ago my older brother told a story from his long-haired "hippie" days of seeing a doctor for an infection. Supposedly the doctor told him "I don't treat hippies." Sadly that's to some degree human nature. But when organizations such as the RCN intentionally abandon the moral and ethical goal of treating the vulnerable patient who is in need and embrace the Marxism of identity politics, it's both tragic and despicable.

Thomas said...

How long before the same attitudes appear among US nursing organizations? How long until one's medical care depends on who one's voted for, or which organizations one's supported with donations, or the content of one's social media posts?

About 18 months, to 2 years, in Harris/Walz wins the election. Maybe sooner...

Anonymous said...

An 'anti-racist' oganization is a defacto racist organization and it's membership or at least leadership mentally unbalanced.

Hamsterman said...

More like "Take two aspirin and commie in the morning". Government run healthcare is at the mercy of government-approved coercion.

Anonymous said...

It is already in some parts of the US - remember doctors making an anti gun push? Remember the story of immigrants and blacks being treated ahead of whites in the ER from last year?
These and more are prevalent in big city hospitals and among certain companies.
Plan for what to say if questions like these come up.

James said...

As someone who worked in medicine for over twenty six years, the shark has already been jumped. Medicine is controlled by administrators and pharmaceutical companies and patient health is a minor concern. Selling drugs and making a profit are the main concerns. What passes for medical advice has little to do with the actual health of the patient and most of it is not only worthless it is dead wrong. If you have a broken leg or an actual surgical procedure than a doctor can help, beyond that you have to take charge of your own health.

Mind your own business said...

Sounds like a great way to create an atmosphere where rejected patients take revenge on medical professionals that did the rejecting. Go ahead and paint a giant target on your backs! And they would have earned it.

Anonymous said...

Did we already forget the vaxxed vs unvaxxed 'let them die' debacle we just went through? Squirrel! We're not going to make it, are we?

Anonymous said...

They seem to be asking for the return of some of the policies of the Easter Rising of 1916 and Michael Collins.
The deliberate targeting of middle management levels of government, on the belief that their subordinates would not act without directions, similar to the WWII sniper instructions to shoot the Field Grades and the Sergeants, because the Lieutants would screw it all up, and the "one shot Paddy" assassins who would fire only one rifle shot before dissappearing, regardless of the result of that shot, to be harder to find.
John in Indy

Tree Mike said...

Nope, haven't forgotten. Political correctness, DEI, affirmative action and The Long March through our institutions will crash USA Inc. within 5 years (optimistically), maybe 5 months.

Anonymous said...

Psychopaths love 'code' situations.

Anonymous said...

Mark Steyn can tell you all about it — he was denied care in the hospital in Vermont because of his politics over a year ago. He very nearly died. It’s here and it’s ugly.

Anonymous said...

Hypothetical scenario. Someone's wife or child dies not because medical treatments weren't available but they were withheld for political beliefs. Does anyone really think that those responsible for that would not face retribution?
I was always told the most dangerous man in the world is the man who has nothing left to lose.

Unknownsailor said...

Tell the man who is already dying that they won't get treatment. Really great plan. Won't be long before those doctors vengefully find such terminal patients on their doorsteps, willing to wipe out the doctor's entire family.

Anonymous said...

These attitudes are already here. My now-deceased white, non-vaxxed wife received indifferent or neglectful care from nurses during two hospitalizations right here in upper middle class suburbia. This was from "minority" twenty-something nurses, who seem to be the majority of nurses now. White nurses were caring and attentive, but few and far between. Oncology unit at a major regional hospital.

Anonymous said...

It's membership AND leadership are mentally unbalanced. FIFY

Doc B said...

"Nice doctor's office, it would be a real shame if something happens to it".

If one of my children, spouse, or family is denied care or given substandard care by some woke infected - or "in-group" preference medical provider, woe unto them. And their family. Fuck the high road.