Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday morning music


I'm not a big fan of country music, but some artists certainly bring a smile to my face.  One of them is Canadian singer/composer Corb Lund.  He's performed in Canada, the USA and Australia for years, and has released twelve albums (so far).  His trademark is his wry sense of humor, injected into many of his songs.

I've chosen four of his songs to introduce him to those of you who don't know him.  Here's "The Truck Got Stuck" to open the ball.

Here he sings a duet with Jaida Dreyer, "I Think You Oughta Try Whiskey".

Some farmers and ranchers are just "Hard On Equipment".

And finally, one of my favorites among his songs, "Gettin' Down On The Mountain".  There's mild profanity, in the form of the S-word, but nothing major.

You'll find many more of his songs on YouTube.



Technomad said...

I like his "Horse Soldier, Horse Soldier." But I'm a BIG history buff.

Lucky John said...

We attended his recent Vancouver show. Lots of long time fans engaging with him and a new album just released. Great show, very good musicians and songs.

StaroftheCountyDown said...

His "I Wanna Be In The Cavalry" is also very good, and was more recently covered as an Irish folk song by the brilliant Colm McGuinness. Worth a look of youtube. He covers a huge variety (Irish folk, folk metal, gsming themes, country, origand often brings a whole new element to th original

Polimath said...

I lost all respect for Corb Lund a few years ago. You see he has a buddy who is an outfitter near Calgary and they conned the Alberta Govt into cancelling a coal mining lease that was approved and under way. You see, the shitbirds wanted a patch of the Coal mining lease for exclusive hunting PRIVILEGE and we only found out about that after the the moratorium went through. So this save the watershed was just all BS so a few of his PRIVILEGED hunting buddies could go and shoot elk there. Of course everybody HAS to listen because he is a big C star in the music world. Waste of skin.

EricW said...

It's time to switch to whiskey, we've been drinking beer all night.

Andrew Smith said...

I have a brother who has taken to listening to country music. We're kinda worried for him but he seems okay.

NewVegasBadger said...

My favorite song by him is "Horse soldier, horse soldier".