Friday, August 23, 2024

What else did they expect?


When touchy-feely, do-good liberals decided to install menstrual product dispensers in boys' toilets at a school, they ignored reality - and the instincts of boys to do their brattish thing.  This Twitter thread tells the rest of the tale.  A tip o' the hat to reader Andrew for sending me the link.

Last year my child's high school put pads and tampons in the boys bathrooms, for all those "people who menstruate." You won't be surprised to hear what happened next.

The maxi pads were the first casualties. Boys have an idea what they do/where they go, but when they're actually holding one in their hands they realize something amazing-these things stick.

In short order maxi pads were everywhere - stuck to lockers, chairs, the floor. Boys were sticking them to each other's backs or phones. Some even used them to spell out messages. The janitors - who already rightly hate public school teens - were furious.

If you're working as a janitor, you're probably a pretty practical person already. Clearly the janitorial team sensed putting maxi pads in a high school boys bathroom was a bad idea. Clearly they understood the reality of that bad idea was literally theirs to clean up.

They spent days unsticking maxi pads from every corner of the school.

Tampons were a bit different, seemed more of a curiosity. They even have some practical applications for athletes. Mostly dumb boys just tried to gross each other out with them, bc teenage boys are dumb and the mere notion of girl anatomy makes them dumber.

I have heard the school eventually removed the products. It is a sad testament to our modern culture that an institution tasked with educating our children had to learn the hard way that teenage boys are stupid and you have to mitigate their opportunities for stupidity.

There's more at the link.

Boys will be boys, particularly the teenage variety, and there's nothing "woke" ideology can do about that.  Oh, they may pretend to have things under control with their wonderful new understanding of how the world should be, but they completely ignore how the world really is - and that's their perpetual downfall.



Irving said...

" institution tasked with educating our children had to learn the hard way that teenage boys are stupid..."

I'd question who the "stupid" party really is in this scenario, but I'd judge teenage boys as "rambunctious" rather than "stupid," with a healty dollop each of "pissed off" and "dedicated to ridiculing the stupidity of authority."

I doubt the response to jock strap dispensers in the girls' bathrooms would be as severe, but I'd guarantee a response the school "management" would not appreciate.

Bob G said...

I'm surprised there weren't more instances of napkins being placed IN some things - like toilets . . .

zdogk9 said...

Toilets are for M80s

Rick in MT said...

Yep. 2-3 tampons lowered down a sink drain by the string would make for a helluva mess to fish out...

Justin_O_Guy said...

The Boys are smart enough to know how Stupid it is to put those things in the boys room. What they did was exactly what the woke idiots should have seen coming. That they didn't plug every toilet and flush them all at the same time is a missed opportunity they will regret.
Society asks our children to excitedly go to school to learn how to function successfully in said society, while society embraces what can only be described as Insanity,and the most insane are horrified to discover some of The children are not embracing the New Rules that the wokesters have declared as Reality.
Climate change,, The Science is Settled
While it is not even almost understood.
What is a woman?
What is a man?
Can a man get pregnant?
Questions nobody was confused by in the sixties,
But THAT Science is suddenly Not Settled. And the most twisted up, unreal and unrealistic Answers are suddenly the Right answer on the test.
Yeah,, the BOYS are Stupid..
No, they just don't know how to Show you stupid people just how little they think of you and your attempts to normalize insanity.

Peteforester said...

The boys weren't "stupid." They were PISSED OFF. I would have done the same thing. Then again, I'm ...genetically biased... Bravo Zulu to the future of testosterone!!!

Peteforester said...

I read that one of the first dispensers installed in a boys' bathroom was ripped from the wall and suck into the toilet bowl. A picture was included. Good do, kids!!!

Mind your own business said...

My thoughts exactly.

Rick said...

Your tax dollars pay for the illogical ideological whims of decrepit perverts as they seek the acclaim and approval of fellow misfits.

Anonymous said...

As someone in the institutional supply biz, I see no issue as those are all valid uses of these products.

favill said...

The boys aren't stupid...they didn't want that stuff in their bathrooms. What better way 1. cost the school board even more money continually having to replenish the dispensers 2. due to the extra work resulting from their hijinks make the unionized janitorial staff angry enough to make it an issue throughout the school district 3. embarrass the school board to such an extent that they're forced to stop acting on the idiotic idea of putting tampons and female sanitary pads in a boys' washroom? I think those young men are brilliant.

Veritas said...

Anyone in academia has a low IQ and poor common sense or else they wouldn't do something as stupid as this. The boys reacted in a normal way when they sensed they were dealing with an impaired authority that was daring them to respond.

Anonymous said...

I assume the would stick them up their ass in preparation for a new lifestyle.

Aesop said...

They're lucky the boys weren't malicious enough to jam a mittful of pads and tampons in the plumbing, and stop up the works.

Anonymous said...

In many schools, visiting female sports teams use a male facility as their locker room

Justin_O_Guy said...

And what? Been that way since forever. You carry a spare tire? Yeah? Well,, would ya be surprised to discover that Females, you know, the ones who Have periods, often Keep a tampon or two in their purse? I've never heard of a visiting team criticize the home team for not stocking the boys locker room with tampons..
I wouldn't say it was Common for the visiting team to use the boys locker room. I'd expect it to be universal and Every Time,, unless a school is rich enough to have a locker room For visitors. I went to Permian in Odessa Texas. Not a Poor school,, but we didn't have a visitors locker room.
In case I haven't been clear, it's STEWPID to put that stuff in a Boys locker or restroom.