Monday, August 26, 2024

"There are 1000 ways to commit election fraud and we know all of them"


That's the subtitle to an extraordinary article by Elizabeth Nickson titled "The 2024 Cheat and What's Being Done About It".  It really is astonishing to read about how almost the entire apparatus of the bureaucratic State, irrespective of political affiliation, is being mobilized to influence the 2024 elections.  Republicans are doing it just as much as Democrats (which doesn't surprise me at all - "what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander", and all that sort of thing.)

Everyone who has dug into election fraud has come to the same conclusion. At the coal face, with the assistance of literally tens of thousands of NGO’s funded by the usual suspects, the government is running the show. The county clerks, the lawyers and judges, various functionaries are the ones stealing the election. Some of them are unwitting, many not. All are breaking federal law.

. . .

Wherever you look in the swing states, and unnervingly in the not-swing states, the same pattern is emerging. Especially in the south, where the left’s stated goal is to overwhelm what they call the “new confederacy” ... The bureaucracy, elected officials, the Dems and RINOs are stealing every election down to county supervisor, county clerk. Every seat is gamed to the max.

. . .

I am pretty sure all hell is going to break loose in November. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are working to prevent the cheat, the Trump team is fielding 100,000 observers alone. But the regime is ahead of them by miles and is funded by an estimated $4 billion. Equally, if they lose a lot of them will be charged with election crimes. Absurdistan plans to cover this story relentlessly, because we are supremely pissed off. If the decision takes three months after November, because of the challenges, if you come here, you will know what is happening. Who are the players, who are the heroes, what are the issues, who is using which method where?

There's much more at the linkHighly recommended reading.

I think this is a critically important article, and I hope you'll take the time to not just click over there and read the whole thing, but also circulate the article to your friends and readers on your own social media accounts.  This deserves the widest publicity.

In so many words:  will the November 2024 elections be free and fair?  Not if the cheaters have their way.



Anonymous said...

We have cartel kati , mayes and fontes making sure of the steal

Old NFO said...


Anonymous said...

This will not be resolved until the last box is opened and widely applied Athens, TN style.

Beans said...

It's relatively easy to stop most voter fraud. No mail-ins except with a doctor's note. No early voting. Photo ID (verifiable by proof of citizenship) required. No voting machines or vote counting machines. All hand processed.

These will stop about 75-80% of the fraud.

Store all the ballots and make them accessible for at least 8 years. That's a big one. That will shut down a good portion of the rest of the fraud.

Unknown said...

if you are going to say that Republicans are doing illegal things to affect the vote, you should include some examples.

The only think I've heard of where Republicans are being accused of taking actions to 'rig the vote' are where they are attempting to clean up the voter roles.

Abbot (Texas) just had a press release about removing 1m from the voting rolls in the last three years

Over 6,500 noncitizens
Over 6,000 voters who have a felony conviction
Over 457,000 deceased people
Over 463,000 voters on the suspense list
Over 134,000 voters who responded to an address confirmation notice that they had moved
Over 65,000 voters who failed to respond to a notice of examination
Over 19,000 voters who requested to cancel their registration
Total Over 1.1 million

Stan_qaz said...

Not fair to blame the Democrats alone in Arizona, the NeverTrump RINO bunch were deeply involved in the election fraud here, blocking Trump and any of his supporters. Then they stonewalled the fraud investigations and supported punishment of any that questioned the election.
These folks hate Trump and his supporters so much they gave away BOTH of AZ's US Senate seats and many other offices to stop them.

Anonymous said...

A key point that is not emphasized enough. Both sides are cheating electorally as hard as they can. That means that the logical conclusion if you lose the election is that you were out-cheated. In very short form, the working assumption in the culture is that there is no electoral integrity and in fact that all voting is rigged.

Throughout human history elections, consent of the governed, and the rule of law including those in power have been the rare exception and only believed in for a few generations. Which means that inevitably there will be a return to our species norm.

Our species norm is kinetic and highly unpleasant.

Anonymous said...

Makes me think of Machievelli’s basic argument. The honest man will not win against the cheater. But no one likes a cheat. So to win, a man must cheat harder than anyone else, while appearing to be honest. Of course, his argument ignores the factor of God in the mix, but sans God I’ve never seen a good counter to it.

Anonymous said...

Most of the Republican vote rigging was done in the primaries. Look at what happened to the MAGA candidates in most states.
Americans have two parties / The DC Uniparty against them.
John in Indy

Tom said...

Meanwhile, if you actually look at the election returns, you'll find that the Arizona GOP representatives got more votes than the senatorial and gubernatorial candidates did, which is similar to how things went in Pennsylvania.

So unless you want to claim that these people went to the trouble of manufacturing a bunch of split ballots, I find your claims of fraud...unconvincing.

Aesop said...

Make election fraud a death-penalty offense, and outsource it by public bounty, just like other predatory mammals.

It will disappear like snow in July, and $1 a head would cover the cost of ammo for the bounty hunters.

It's going to happen whether TPTB want it or not, might as well sanction it.


boron said...

I agree with both Beans and Aesop

Anonymous said...

When mail in voting and obviously compromised computer counting machines were not eliminated in favor of the mechanical voting machines I saw being used in my youth (which infallibly returned results by the 11pm news), I knew my vote didn't matter.

Plague Monk said...

My only quibble is with regards to absentee voting. For over 30 years, I worked out of area as a contract designer, sometimes on the other side of the country. There was no way for me to get back home to vote, so absentee voting was a must. And there are thousands of people like me who have no other choice.

Xoph said...

There needs to be controls. Your argument was the inch for which the mile has been taken.

edtheham said...

We need to tell our lefty friends the the republicans will steal the election and Install Trump as President. We need to take steps to stop them, voter ID, hand-counted ballots, in-person voting, and paper ballots. Anything else will allow the steal and cheat Biden. or Harris. or Obama of their rightful and deserved place.

Think they will buy it?

Anonymous said...

Compromise is a bad word now, connoting surrender rather than practical adjustment to each other's needs. Gang war dynamics don't have room for compromise. And the democratic process is elective, until one side jettisons the rulebook. The mechanics of confirmation of the peoples choice after the election leaves room for interference by partisans, and these people put their own moral stance above their neighbor's. They each cheated on their small individual basis in '20, found out that cheating on a small scale works in the aggregate and that nobody will bust them for it, and don't see any reason not to do it again. It's for the greater good, after all. We've seen only a sample of what they are willing to do to a candidate who threatens their freeloading. We will see worse if Donald Trump looks like winning by an undeniable margin. Government must be selectively starved, a euphemism for spending cuts. Our children and theirs will scratch out a barren existence paying our bills otherwise, or we default and sacrifice a generation to penury. No politician has the guts to close the peoples purse. All else is pandering to special interests.As a representative republic, we've had a good run. It's unlikely to last indefinitely. Doomers always say, "this (insert topical calamity)will bring the country down". So far that's been wrong. But as the economist E.J.Mishan said, "Calling 'Wolf', mistakenly and frequently, does not mean that wolves do not exist ".
Rick m