Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A blast from the past


I'm sure most of my readers are aware that Japan has a rich history of TV prank shows, game shows of almost impossible difficulty, and so on.  Way back in the early days of this blog, I posted a video of a Japanese spa prank that had me laughing out loud.  To my surprise, I came across it again recently.  It's pretty poor quality, but still funny, so for those who missed it the first time, enjoy!

Perhaps it's a good thing spas in Texas don't stage stunts like that.  Too many of their customers would be shooting as they went out the door!



Old NFO said...

Ummm... yeah...

Rick T said...

I'd much rather see Candid Camera come back.

Francis Turner said...

If you're carrying while naked and bathing then I'm.... impressed. Even more so if concealed