Saturday, August 18, 2018


It's nice to encounter officials with a sense of humor now and then.  The Kennebunk Police Department in Maine put out this press release on their Facebook page this week (clickit to biggit):

After that, what can I do but post this?



stencil said...

.... Any coyote bearing a picket sign referring to "Russians" or "Fascists."

Unknown said...

My maternal grandfather, who worked as a motion-picture projectionist for roughly 30 - 35 years (in both small-city theaters and drive-in theaters, in various suburban/ex-urban locations of Northern Ky.), never paid all that much attention to the movies he ran - in fact, in many cases, he was mostly at a loss to tell us just what he was "running" during any given week...yet, for whatever reason, he loved the "Roadrunner/Wile E. Coyote" cartoons - he could imitate that "Beep! Beep!" to perfection, and it always made him chuckle with delight when he did...


C. S. P. Schofield said...

For your amusement;

tsquared said...

We were all lied to about this. A coyote can run 43 mph and a roadrunner can only run 20 mph.

Eric Wilner said...

Song: "Operation: Desert Storm" by Tom Smith -

Also, "Roadrunner No More" by Joel Polowin - (not finding a recording; you'll just have to sing it yourself)

Silent Draco said...

If this was amusing, you (and the inestimable Lawdog) should also take a gander at the Banger, ME Police Department on Facebook. I plan to drop off a copy of "The Lawdog Files" for translation from Texan to Down East.

You'll understand when you encounter The Duck of Justice, which has dabbled in community policing and enforcement. Everyone in the department became mallard at the popularity of a decoration, once headed to the Great Unstuffing.

The other blog posts are enough to quack anyone up ... especially when the post stories or video of "Moose Encounters of the Worst Kind."