Thursday, August 30, 2018

No kidding!

Stephan Pastis expresses (or should that be "espresso's"?) the fear of every old codger.  Click the cartoon to be taken to a larger version at its home page.



Glenn B said...

I well recall the 25 cent cup of coffee at the local greasy spoon of my youth. I vaguely seem to recall the price went from 15 to 20 cents then to 25 almost overnight!

deb harvey said...

4$ !!
well, i remember when it was a dime and free with an order, continuous refills.

Jess said...

If you advertise it as "artisan", or "exotic brew", you can sell bilge water to mostly unsuspecting hipsters; and they'll pay at least $4 for an 8-ounce cup.

Tal Hartsfeld said...

I fully understand the concern about the $4.00 coffee.
(Speaking of which: When was the last time one could go to a regular sit-down restaurant and order a regular meal at a reasonable price with REAL normal type coffee?)

Nuke Road Warrior said...

I remember when the sarcastic retort to a meaningless or insincere compliment was "Yeah, that and 10 cents will get you a cup of coffee in any restaurant."