Saturday, June 29, 2024

Further thoughts on the Biden candidacy


Yesterday I said:

I can only presume that the Democratic Party, knowing his health to be so poor as to preclude re-election, has been frantically looking for any way to remove President Biden from the election ticket, and possibly from his current office as well ... Biden's handlers almost literally threw him to the political wolves last night.

After reading many more comments about Thursday's debate, from both sides of the political aisle, I'm even more sure I was right.  I can't see any reason for the Democratic Party to allow a semi-senile President Biden to debate a former President Trump unless it was to provide a clear demonstration of the former's disastrous state of mental health.  Having exhausted most of their other options to replace him with a better candidate for November's election, they're now effectively providing the ammunition for his enemies - aided and abetted behind the scenes by Obama loyalists, who have in effect been running the Biden administration since its beginning - to remove him for them.

The trouble is, too many people seem to have forgotten one critical point.  President Biden has already won the Democratic Party's nomination to be its Presidential candidate in 2024.  That can't simply be ignored.  If he refuses to go, his party has almost no way left - in the time available - to legally replace him on the ballot with someone else.  If President Biden, angered and frustrated at the way he's being treated by his party, turns on them and rejects their demand that he resign, there's not much they can legally do about it in terms of internal party politics.

That leaves the available options as the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, and/or some other major health crisis.  Congress can order the President's removal under the 25th Amendment:  or, alternatively, if President Biden falls seriously ill or is injured by whatever cause, his Vice-President may be able to take over his office until (if?) he recovers.  That, in turn, might provide at least some legal justification to replace him as the candidate in November.

However, the latter case raises yet another issue.  I can't see Kamala Harris willingly resigning the Vice-Presidency;  and if she doesn't, she automatically becomes President if anything happens to her current boss.  That would, in turn, give her a relatively strong case to go into the November election as the incumbent, with all the advantages that provides to a candidate.  Sure, she's even more unpopular on a national basis than are most potential candidates to replace President Biden;  but she's got the inside track, and in the absence of a suitably tempting "carrot" to give it up, she probably won't be afraid to use it.

That brings up another factor favoring Kamala Harris.  We've never had a woman President.  If she succeeds to President Biden's office, she can claim to have "shattered the glass ceiling" keeping women out of the top spot (much as Hillary Clinton tried to claim during the 2016 election).  That might galvanize parts of the Democratic Party base who are currently wavering in their loyalty to the political establishment.  Yes, her personal unpopularity would still be a factor in the election, but (IMHO) less so in the presence of that reality.  She can argue that much of the former is due to men wanting to keep women down.  There might even be an element of truth in that perspective, given the sheer nastiness displayed by some of our politicians.

I have no idea what will happen.  I guess most of us don't.  However, behind the scenes, the unseen powers manipulating both political parties are making deals, calling the shots, and getting ready to impose their preferred solution on the rest of us.  I won't be surprised to see at least some of the following measures over the next month or two, not necessarily in this order.

  • Biden digs in his heels and resists calls to resign.
  • Congress invokes the 25th Amendment to force him out of office.  If confronted with a fait accompli, will Biden resign rather than be removed?  Is he still capable of making such a decision?  There's a distinct chance that things could turn nasty, and very publicly at that.
  • While that's going on, frantic negotiations take place behind the scenes to select a more electable candidate for November.
  • Kamala Harris might be allowed to take over the Presidency on a short-term basis (thereby "ensuring her place in history" by allowing her to claim that she "broke the glass ceiling" for all who follow her), but on the understanding she will not be the Democratic Party candidate for the position in November.  She'll demand, and almost certainly receive, a substantial quid pro quo for her cooperation.  Perhaps, if Gavin Newsom becomes the presidential candidate, she could take his place as Governor of California for a term?  I'm sure she'd also become considerably wealthier if she cooperated.  If she doesn't cooperate?  Well . . . accidents happen . . .
  • While all this is going on, I'm sure there will be immense resources devoted to finding the most electable Democratic Party candidate for November 2024.  Who that might be remains to be seen.  I daresay that, of the names currently in (public) play, Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama are the front-runners;  but either will have to give up a lot of the power they've currently amassed among their existing supporters if they're to run.  Will they be prepared to do so?  And will enough Americans, already sickened and frustrated by the political corruption in both of their backgrounds, be willing to put aside their distaste and vote for them?
  • Finally, can the security, fairness and honesty of the November 2024 election be sustained?  Many have their doubts.  Others insist that there's no evidence of any attempt to fiddle with the results.  I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Will any of those things happen, or not?  In what sequence?  What else might happen?  Let's hear your forecasts in Comments.



jed said...

Not legal? I'd like to see the cite. I did a quick search, and found which references the DNC delegate selection rules. Yes, there's strong recommendation there, but it doesn't appear to be legally binding.

Ritchie said...

"Take the stairs, Joe, they're not greasy at all, no. "

David Spence said...

It simply demonstrates that the Dems care nothing about the good of the country or the people. They care only about wielding power.

McChuck said...

Since when has the Democrat party cared one whit about the law, except as a club to be used against their enemies?

Gaffer said...

If the political powers don't want Ms Harris anywhere near the presidency they can always arrange for Mr Biden to release his delegates to the convention. That way they can "select" their preferred candidate and he can stay in office for his full term. There would be no constitutional crises over his successor and what would appear to be a clean election.

Ken and Deb said...

More than meets the eye here. Remember there are 2 "wings" of the democrap party. Obozo leading one and Hildabeast leading the other (Bill's too busy busting interns to care). Note Hill does not fit in with Obozo's "war cabinet" group. I think her wing is behind the fire Joe while Obozo wants to keep things rolling along. Hildabeast makes a point that only she has the name that can go national. Obozo might control Kneepad Harris enough for his forth term. The thing with Harris- If she takes over from Joe now that would give her Joe's 6 remaining months and two election terms totaling 8 years and 6 months. Would Obozo need that long is another question.

Mind your own business said...

I still think that the ChiComs control Biden and a large chunk of Congress, and what more devastating thing can they do to the US than to use blatant election fraud to re-elect Biden (despite his obvious incapacity), and let the country devolve into civil war/unrest as we fight internally over clear election fraud. What better way to take the US off the board?

If Biden isn't dropped, I think that is the plan.

Anonymous said...

I'll add the "not being legal" hasn't slowed down the demo before. They flaunt the rules and the Constitution at will, with no consequences.

tweell said...

It looks like Biden isn't going gently into the night, he is raging. The new claim is that he's bad at debating, but honest. Yeah, it makes me throw up in my mouth, but that's the new angle they're taking.

JG said...

I could see in 2020 Biden had dementia and since then he was worse. I believe that the early debate was planned to take Biden out by the Dems.

The question is who and when they will replace Biden. I believe it will be done at the DNC Convention and it will be Michelle Obama. They want to keep Barack running things and to try to keep the Black vote. The MSM and Fox will push her hard for President over Trump, but I do not think it will work. The MSM and Fox have lost all credibility with Biden and people want truth. The people want end to inflation, get rid of illegals, less crime, and end to sending tax money to foreign countries. Michelle has no real work or political experience so people would see she would be acting as President for Barack.

Trumpeter said...

Kamala is not a 'Native born citizen'!

So that means it would go to the Speaker of the House. He is deep state/ mic/ intelligence owned so that would be acceptable to the power, but a bitter pill for rank and file Dems.

Duke of URL VFM#391 said...

Of course, "accidents" do happen, and Biden has a documented history of falling on stairways... Just how tall are the stairs down to the first floor from his White House quarters, anyway?

Gerry said...

Politically, why would the Republican House want to remove Joe Biden?
He's is his own party's worst candidate. At least Kamala can play the race or woman card during the national election.

The GOP should make his own cabinet and VP do the dirty deed. That may piss off some of the remaining Biden loyalist to sit out the election.

+1 jed. Rules can be bent or broken. If you recall Joe Biden jumped into the primary to keep Bernie Sanders from winning.

On a Wing and a Whim said...

Follow the money. If Joe doesn't run and Kamala doesn't run, what happens to the huge war chest of their political campaign donations?

Beans said...

Trumpeteer, if Kamala wasn't a 'native born,' she wouldn't have been able to be Veep. And we have already had a 'questionable birth' president, so that ship has sailed.

The big take is, will Kamala leave office soon, like before the Dem Convention, and allow a replacement to be selected? That's the kicker. Clear up the line-of-succession issues by installing the
'correct' candidate into the Veep slot.

This is beginning to sound like a Harkonnen plot from Dune. Kamala (and Joe) have been the 'Raban Harkonnen' put in place by the DNC to make the populace suffer and hate them and then, poof, 'gentle and nice' 'Feyd Harkonnen' will step in and sooth the subjects and peace will be restored and all them subjects will follow their good and nice leader happily.

Or the Dems could wait it out, let the stealection system work its wonders and replace both Joe and Kamala afterwards, again, by having Kamala go first and install the 'correct' presidential candidate as Veep then take out the dementia patient.

Or a direct attack by some 'right wing racist three-name-person' could take out the Pres and Veep at any time before, during or after the election and the weaponized power of all the intelligence agencies and the DOJ-FBI-BATFE can use that situation to push for further gun control or outright suspension of The Constitution for 'our protection' and 'to save the children.'

Or, maybe, just maybe, the good guys and gals will win and none of the potential bad outcomes happen and peace and prosperity is restored to the land followed by the mass ejection of 20-30 million illegal aliens or something else nice like that.

Beans said...

The 'not a native born' thing is long past. Kamala wouldn't have been able to become Veep, and we've already had one president with shaky birthing history (but the left tried to use that against McCain, unsuccessfully...)

If they don't want Kamala, she can 'step down' any time and be replaced by someone they do want, and then have that person take over after Joe dies/quits/is found incompetent/unable to continue as president.

Anytime. Before, during or after the election, including after the inauguration.

Though the left could use the old 'right wing radical racist three-name-person' to assassinate the Veep and the Pres and use that issue to further curb-stomp the Constitution 'for our protection.'

Anonymous said...

All the Dems need to do to energize their unintelligent and poorly cognitive base is proclaim they now want to 'heal' the nation Ala Jimmy Carter and they clench another 4 years to continue this bull in a China shop behavior. Never, ever, underestimate the ignorance of the America voter.

Anonymous said...

I can't see Joe willingly dropping out. The Hunter/Ukraine/China criminal baggage is such that he has to be in office to buffer any investigations. No other democrat cares about that, and would willingly pose as an honest pol and throw the Bidens to the wolves.

If Joe doesn't know that, (because his brain is broke), his family certainly does.

Unknown said...

The 25th amendment can't be invoked by congress (if it could, you know that Pelosi would have invoked it against Trump), it must be invoked by the VP and cabinet

One article I saw pointed out that in addition to the problem of the delegates promising to vote for Biden at the convention, there is also the fundraising problem, the FEC makes it difficult to direct vast sums of money from one campaign to another, so if Biden is kicked off the ticket, all the money donated to him can't just be transferred to whoever wants to replace him.

David Lang

Unknown said...

It's not that easy for Kamala to be replaced as VP before the election.

the House has to vote to approve the replacement, and until that happens, the Speaker of the House would be next in line.

So if Kamala resigns and then something happens to Biden, we end up with President Johnson

Legally, it's trivial for Biden to replace her on the ticket (as a practical matter, Identity Politics will make it really hard)

David Lang

HMS Defiant said...

Look at what the Deep State slime got away with when it torpedoed Torricelli in New Jersey. It takes just a minute to read.

Bob C. said...

Read the 25th, especially Section 4. While the Party regulars can invoke the 25th by the methods listed in Section 4, Biden (actually Jill the Power Hungry Harpy) can, by repeatedly claiming to be competent (twice, with time limits) force it into Congress, where it also has a time limit and requires a 2/3 majority of both Houses to remove him. And if the Republicans are smart (yeah, right...😒) they'd block the removal to ensure that, barring an "accident" to Brandon, Trump has him to face in November.

Anonymous said...

It sure seems to me that Biden’s handlers didn’t juice him up enough for the debate, yet he was clearly pumped full of something for the NC rally the next day. There are no coincidences in DC …

Anonymous said...

While both interesting [and I include in that the "Interesting Times" meaning] and amusing; the debate pushed us closer to what may be a Republic ending crisis.

1) The Left, their UniParty allies, and those foreign controllers involved in our governance are NOT going to give up power.

2) None of those listed above have any respect for the Constitution, the law, or the consent of the governed.

3) As noted by Peter, and especially given the histories of the last few elections; any election held this fall will have to prove its legitimacy for the legitimacy of any resulting government to be accepted.

4) And that is IF there is an election, because I can see this group of fools, miscreants, maladroits, and unindicted co-conspirators possibly attempting to delay/cancel them based on some sort of national emergency.

5) Peter also [and I assume with great care] noted "legal" means of action. Noting today's use of lawfare as a mild application; those involved in our politics do note consider themselves to be bound by any laws. Which means that it is quite possible that someone will cross boundaries that the population will not tolerate being crossed. Interesting Times.

Subotai Bahadur

Anonymous said...


Replacement theory complications –

“Uh Oh… More Bad News for Democrats: Biden Cannot be Replaced on Ballot in Three Swing States, Except for Death or 25th Amendment”

More on that –

“Tucker Carlson Gives His Opinion on Joe Biden’s “Dementia” Debate Performance
June 29, 2024 | Sundance | 8 Comments”

See “replacement qualifications” at the end

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm beating the same drum. Legal? What's "legal" doesn't seem to matter anymore. The end justifies any means. Taking both candidates out would solve a lot of problems. I've thought for quite a while now that neither candidate will be on the ticket come November. I hope DJT's bodyguards are loyal and prepared.

Aesop said...


1) Congress CANNOT invoke the 25th Amendment. Only the Cabinet and Veep vote on that, or not.

2) That being the case, Monday morning, House Speaker Johnson should announce governmental oversight hearings into everything from 2020-present, starting with who's been running the executive branch, and who's been running the soft coup, up until the current minute.
He should also announce the suspension of all pending votes and legislation, freezing EVERYTHING, unless and until the Cabinet removes Biden from office for incompetence and mental disability.
Congressional committees with military oversight should begin simultaneous hearings to determine when and why the Joint Chiefs have or have not removed all nuclear weapons control and military decision-making from Mr. Potatohead. Having US Marshals standing by to arrest some service chiefs on the spot for treason and contempt of Congress should do wonders for their memory and ability to see reason.

This isn't hard to fix.
The Cabinet removes Biden.
Harris is sworn in as acting president.
The Democrat electors are free, and their nominating convention becomes a twenty-way free-for-all comedy gold masterpiece for the ages.

One third of the country votes for whatever potato they nominate, because [D], the other 2/3rds of the country sees what they've perpetrated for 4-5 years, and they become the minority party for the next decade, for cause.

They made this bed, now they can lie in it.

Or, they try Clown World, and try to gaslight the entire country, and gravity works.

Stock up on canned goods and popcorn.
This show is going to be epic, either way.

Anonymous said...

'National powers-that-be ties itself into a knot that cannot project power over internal subject persons' is a good definition for the victory of liberty. The oil is still in the ground. The cities aren't nuked. The crops aren't dying of a new pest insect or disease. 1 in 10,000 elderly humans aren't dying of the flu. Extraterrestrial spaceships aren't hovering above major cities. But only the human parasites are in trouble. Boo, hoo!

Anonymous said...

E.M. Smith has a good opening line for an adaptation (IMO)

"“Remember remember this 5th of November, the vote stealing, treason, and plot.” "

Steve Sky said...

From the Tucker Carlson link:
When you think about who will replace Joe Biden, remember the baseline.

The problem democrats have is not that Biden has lost his marbles or is losing the election, the problem is that Biden is losing by a scale that is too big for them to cover.

Democrats don’t need a candidate who can beat Donald Trump; they need a candidate who can give plausibility to ballot counting results that say Trump lost.

The issue for Biden is that he makes the fraud too easy to see. Democrats don’t need a candidate who can win votes, the Democrats need a candidate who makes fraudulent results seem plausible.

Think about it, because that’s the baseline.

That expresses what I've felt about the previous elections, but couldn't express as clearly beyond, "we need votes beyond the level of cheat". They need a candidate who makes the cheat seem "plausible", so they can argue that the election wasn't won by cheating.

Bob C. said...

The show will indeed probably be epic, but read my previous comment regarding how the 25th actaully works. If, after the Veep and cabinet claim he's not capable of continuing, Biden (actually, as noted, "Dr." Jill) notifies Congress that he is *not* inacpacitated, and the Veep and cabinet then notifies Congress (2nd time) that he is, it goes to Congress, where it takes a 2/3 majority of both Houses to confirm his incapacity and install/swear in the VEEP permanently; they have 21 days to do this. If the Repubs have even half a brain they'll block it; there's no better scenario for them than to have Brandon on the ticket in November.

Anonymous said...

Good comments all. Tge DemonRats have multiple problems, that they are unlikely to be able to solve.
Spoke to some D acquaintances yesterday, sone of whom actually thought that the potato did well. WTF?
My opinion was that the Ds out stupided themselves by offering the debate with conditions they thought Trump would not accept, letting them campaign on his refusal to debate, and when he accepted, they realized that they couldn't get Biden through 90 minutes without his dementia being obvious, that they would have to throw him under the bus, which they did.
While they have a real problem going forward, a major problem is that they have proven the Biden never was the actual President, raising the question of who has been running the country.
False flag distraction time?
John in Indy

Aesop said...

@Bob C.,
I know how XXV works.

Anyone leaving Biden in the office opens whoever votes for that nonsense to ALL liability for everything that happens in the next 4 months.
It leaves Biden with nuclear launch authority.
It leaves himn in command of the nation's military, 24/7/365.
It allows him to make lifetime appointments to the federal judiciary.
Just a few of the 3000 reasons why leaving him there is profoundly retarded.

NOBODY is voting for that who isn't certifiably insane or an enemy of the state, or both, and they should be recalled/impeached/prosecuted for trying on exactly those grounds.

Even most of the idiot Dems outside of Alzheimer's Pelosi aren't down for signing onto that, because they have to stand for re-election now or in a couple of years.

They might have wished Joe could have staggered to just past the election, but that Hindenburg came in for a flaming landing in Atlanta three days ago.
TPTB will not chain themselves to Biden now, and ride with him in the barrel over Niagara Falls, not even for party unity, and simultaneously chain the entire country to his fate as well.

The idea is simply beyond-the-pale ludicrous.

Anonymous said...

RFK jr