Saturday, June 15, 2024

No Snippet today


I'm getting ready for another surgical procedure on Monday, and trying to deal with a lot of bits and pieces before then;  so I haven't had time to prepare the usual Saturday Snippet.  Meanwhile, please amuse yourselves with the bloggers listed in the sidebar.

Prayers for a successful procedure on Monday, and a full recovery, will be gratefully appreciated.  Thanks!



STxAR said...

Prayers up!

boron said...

May he watch over you and heal you (without complications in no time)

Lee Smith said...

Hoping that all goes well and you have a fast recovery!

Aesop said...

"Bits and pieces"?

A few years back, a friend told me afterwards while recovering that "having a hysterectomy really took a lot out of" her.

I told her I thought that was the whole point.

Best wishes for an uncomplicated procedure and a speedy recovery.

Old NFO said...

Prayers this is the final go around!

Javahead said...

Wishing you all good fortune and a fast, complete recovery this time around.

John T. Block said...

Prayers inbound, weapons free! May Yah guide your surgeon's hands, and this mess be finished! Good luck, Peter!

Professor Badness said...

Prayers, offered on your behalf, and heartfelt.
We wish you a speedy recovery.

LB said...

Praying for your complete recovery, Peter.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes, Peter. May all go well, and your recovery be swift and easy.
--Tennessee Budd

Aggie said...

Best wishes for complete success and a speedy and uneventful recovery. Saludos !

Hamsterman said...

I'll keep you in my prayers.

Bob C. said...

All the best for a complete and speedy recovery.

tweell said...

Get well soon, Peter!