Tuesday, June 4, 2024



I overdid it yesterday, sorting out things at home and trying to catch up with what's been neglected during my weeks of medical treatment.  As a result, I'll have to head to the doctor this morning to check on a couple of backward steps, and see if anything is needed to fix them.

Blogging will be interrupted until I get back.  More later.



Anonymous said...

Stay well Prayers and All Best

Aggie said...

Dude, ease up on it. Life is already too short. Get well soon and I hope this is the last of the side effects.

Paul said...

Always hard to judge the line when you feel better. I try limiting by time. 45 minutes of projects followed by 15 of rest. Once I forget which period I am in I knock off for the day.

Good luck with your trip to the Dr's.

Anonymous said...

Been there, doing that. Hard for bodily compromised old guys like you and I to ignore the jobs at hand. And we pay the price

Rev. Paul said...

Easy to do, harder to recover. Prayers up, sir.

NobobyExpects said...

Take care...

HMS Defiant said...

Take care of yourself and only then, the house.

Steve said...

Wow. I like this advice. I'm going to incorporate this into my daily routine.
Because I'm sitting here, staring at all the crap I need to do, but I overdid it yesterday and my back is "out".
Heh, nowadays my back goes out more than I do.

Anonymous said...

My dad used to lament when he got older that he now had the time to do things but not the energy or capability. Aging stinks!

Anonymous said...

Yeah. It is hard to lay back on what one has always been something that never required it. I make sure I do the everyday mundane actions that one normally never regards as special. Until one cannot not do them. I treasure the mundane, the usual, the accepted, the "I've done it all my life" blessings as I can still perform.

Old NFO said...

Dammit Peter, call us for help already!

Anonymous said...

i couldn't agree more