Friday, June 14, 2024

So much for Pride Month!


First prize to whoever dreamed up this position statement.




nbc said...

Not sure if that's satire or not.

The Sweaties are barking mad at the best of times...

Birdchaser said...

Batshit looney party. Best description yet.

Old NFO said...


Billll said...

Marching penguins. A nice step. Can they goose step in unison?

Gerry said...

Penguins as in nuns or as in birds?

Asking for an old Catholic school boy?

Anonymous said...

Q: Why is Pride Month in Summer?
A: Because Pride goeth before the Fall.

Night driver said...

Peter, only SPARING DOSES of THAT sort of thing or you will damage your middle beyond salvage!!!

Rich said...

says the man with the rainbow around his neck. But other than that, I agree.