Monday, September 30, 2024

"Society’s most oppressed minority group"? There's good reason for that


I'm disgusted and angry by complaints that the cancellation of a camp for "minor-attracted persons" (in other words, those of pedophile inclination) is somehow "oppression" or "discrimination".  On the contrary - I'm sure almost all parents reading this (and many others too) will regard it as sound common sense.  Why put our kids in proximity to a real and present danger to their well-being?

After local outcry canceled a camp for “minor-attracted persons” set for last weekend in Vermont, several organizations are publicly defending those who declare a sexual attraction to children.

MAP Union, or MU, which represents itself as “an international organization representing the interests of minor-attracted people and their allies,” sent a statement to local reporter Guy Page protesting the camp cancelation as “bullying” and violence against “society’s most oppressed minority group.”

. . .

The person calling himself “Percy” also told Bean, “We hope to provide a more balanced approach to MAP advocacy than groups like NAMBLA have been able to in the past.” NAMBLA is the North American Man-Boy Love Association, which effectively disintegrated after a series of FBI stings jailed members for abusing children and trafficking in illegal abuse images.

People sexually attracted to children are typically pornography addicts who often get sent to jail for trafficking in illegal abuse images. Porn businesses are complicit ... as they “deliberately insert transgender partners, children, and opposite-sex partners into pornography aimed at children and heterosexuals, in order to ‘see if you can convert somebody, right?'” a senior script writer for a Pornhub company disclosed in 2023.

. . .

“We do understand the alarm among local parents, but we are extremely unhappy about non-violent MAP community members being labeled as dangerous to children,” Brian Ribbon, a cofounder of MAP Union, said in a statement to The National Desk. “The idea that these people would for some reason try to attack children at the local school is outrageous and deeply offensive.”

There's more at the link, including some very unsavory ideals indeed (vulva-shaped chocolates?  Really?).

Here's a rule of thumb.  Any person or organization seeking to defend pedophiles - whether active, or only with that orientation - is defined by that action as being an immediate, clear and present danger to the safety of our children and the health of our communities.  That's the bottom line.  There is absolutely no excuse for such orientation.  Forget the complaint that "we were born that way - it's not our fault!"  What they're saying is that their tendency to exploit, manipulate, entice and coerce children into relationships they can't understand and to which they're not old enough to give consent, is "not their fault", but somehow OK.  

I also flatly don't believe those who claim that their sexual orientation towards "minors" is an attitude only, and not one that leads to actual physical relationships with them.  Are you trying to tell me that such persons never look at a kid walking down the sidewalk and fantasize about doing sexual things with/to them?  Is that OK with you?  If it is, I suggest you have a problem almost as large as the "minor-attracted person" themselves - particularly if you have kids of your own, and want to protect them from as they grow up.

Just "No!"  There is no place for pedophiles or "minor-attracted persons" in any normal, healthy society.  End of discussion.  (And well done to the people who canceled that camp!)



glasslass said...

The deepest darkest depth of Hell for all these people. My brother in law was a scum bag and someone I had to tolerate. Turns out he was molesting everyone's children. So we have 5 adults with lifelong trauma in raving stages. His stepdaughters turned him in once they had children and he started going after them. Was a deacon at his church which promptly kicked him out. Judge gave him probation because he was an older man. That old man standing was just a year before trying to molest his granddaughters. Stupid Judge!!!
Well, he died and nobody showed at the funereal home or burial. Good Riddance. And yes, one of my children was among the five.

grnadee said...

Leave the children alone !!!

Bob said...

Better check that Judge out.... ne just might be a closet pedophile!

Anonymous said...

Let them congregate and then send in the fire teams.

Peteforester said...

There's a support group for people like this; the perverts themselves and the perverts who defend or support them. I hear it's run by a guy named Lucifer...

Chris. said...

I could support an airstrike for this.

Tree Mike said...

Lucifer/Enki, Satan/Marduk/Baal-Zebub/Devil (D evil). Too many titles and names to list. He is, after all, The Great Deceiver.
I'm sure he'd be interesting to have a beer with, in public. I hear he can be very polite. Not likely to show up in person though, security issues, He's susceptible to 9 mm, 7.62x39-51, etc. when interfacing in this dimension.

Anonymous said...

So, I think we can all agree here that people who have sex with children or consume child porn need bullets to the brainpans.

Okay. So. What do we with people who are sexually attracted to children but don't want to act on said desire?

Peter said...

We keep them away from children as a basic, non-negotiable precaution. That may be difficult in practice, but it has to be done. That probably includes not allowing them to have children of their own, and it should probably include notifying potential marriage partners of their problem. Ruthless? Yes - but what other way is there?

Chris. said...

I agree with Peter. People that "Don't want to act" on said desire should self-segregate and not put themselves in that position. Just like you don't encourage the alcoholic to have a bottle of booze to tempt themselves against.

Doc said...

I am a supplier of electronics. I would love to have the mailing addresses of all MAP Union members so I may send them complimentary tablets from my supplier in Israel.

michigan doug said...

I say let them have their camp, way out in the woods.
Then send in the hunters.

Anonymous said...

And therein lies the second problem, who on earth would be dumb enough to admit such attractions knowing they would be punished, even if they have not acted on them?

Old NFO said...

5000 acres and a backhoe...