Last week saw a number of outstanding developments for those of us who want the Deep State to become the Deeply (And Forever) Buried State. This meme has gone viral - I'm seeing it all over the place - and I entirely agree with it:
As I wrote in two articles last Friday:
News that makes me very happy!
Today I'd like to bring to your attention two bloggers who've covered important aspects of what we're seeing in Washington D.C. right now. First, HMS Defiant notes that this didn't just happen out of thin air. It was planned, and is proceeding according to plan.
One of the obvious-in-retrospect things that happened in the last couple of months was that a large number of people quietly came together in a very private setting where none stood out for their presence and they had themselves a sit-down strategy and policy meeting for how they would all act, in concert, on the first day and in the first hour of the new Presidency. As you look at the results it is obvious.
. . .
This was no ragtag feel their way slowly into their new powers and duties scramble, this was men and women, informed by some really sharp lawyers with all their writs ready and targets lists in their hands as they assumed their duties while waiting for the Senate to do its job and confirm the President's desired office holders. I really get a kick out of how this is played out.
The real activity was of course, playing out in the dark and in the various computer networks that actually control the ebb and flow of money, influence and power and while everyone was looking at the skimpily dressed showgirls twirling batons, DOGE took away ALL THE POWER OF THE STATE from the smug arrogant bastards that thought they had us by the balls since they controlled the levers and passwords to the promised land.
There's more at the link.
Next, Francis Turner takes a look at how much DOGE has already discovered during its investigation of the Federal bureaucracy. It's damning stuff. I won't be at all surprised to see a great many criminal charges emerge from this "deep dive" into how taxpayer money has been illegally diverted to partisan political ends.
Turns out that DOGE is getting access to the computer systems of various agencies and in the process causing much heartburn and people unexpectedly resigning for trying to stop them. The DOGE guys are clearly using that well know investigative adage - “Follow the money” - and to do that they need to see who paid whom under what authority in order to provide what.
However, what has been somewhat of a surprise is that previous news releases have allowed some journalists to find all kinds of interesting details about, say, USAID. This may help explain the panic behind DOGE getting access to their systems. Likewise open government laws have allowed a lady who Xeets as DataRepublican to build databases cross referencing government grants with various NGOs. With help from some others (I think), it looks like she has now put together a graphical tool that shows how money flows from the US government and then between the various NGOs to end up in some unexpected places ... These sorts of details from the public data suggest that when one gets access to the actual payment details some fascinating discovering will be made about where NGOs actually bank their cash and who they share with.
Again, more at the link. Mr. Turner provides several concrete examples of links between individuals who should have no right to public money, and the way in which public money was disbursed (through convoluted links and multiple transfers) for their benefit. It stinks to high heaven.
I note that the mainstream news media are providing little or no information about the shenanigans thus far uncovered. They're deliberately trying to shield the Deep State and its operatives from the consequences of their actions, and trying to make sure that left-leaning voters don't find out what their iconic political idols have been up to without telling them. I would go so far as to say that the entire Biden administration appears to have been focused on nothing so much as raping the public treasury for their own benefit and that of their fellow travelers.
Do please go and read both articles linked above, and follow the links they provide. If this is what's been discovered after only two weeks of the Trump administration, our mouths should be watering at the feast that's about to be unveiled.
The 1st Trump election, my attitude was, "I know he's an ego-tesicle, narcissistic, pussy-grabbing, jerk-wad, THAT LOVES AMERICA! I'm voting for him to be a MONKEY WRENCH! If he does something good in the bargain, that's just icing on the cake!" He exceeded my expectations.
This election? Same attitude, only with MUCH higher expectations. He's blowing them out of the water! Yeay!
I hope (((THEY))) don't crash the system (burn it all down) before they all get "hauled off".
I doubt this has been a big hushed up secret. For year, those wanting to expose this subterfuge were hounded until their lives were destroyed. This time, the most corrupt are being exposed, removed from power, and hopefully, spend decades in prison.
I think there is probably a hit list out there for a number of people now, instead of just Trump. Put an 'iron dome' around both.
The mainstream news media is owned by the cabal that is being displaced by Trump & Company. I would not expect a lot of honest reporting, just propaganda....
I need more popcorn!
I am filled with joy after seeing that.
I'm tired of people talk about how Trump is unprecedented and how what he is doing is so bad when most of it was illegal in the first place.
I suspect that the grants discussed here, and a few other places, is how the Dems have been funding their operatives and possibly even their money losing media... The money has to come from somewhere and it isn't coming from places with few viewers!
I was voting for a Napoleon to end the Jacobin Reign of Terror but this will do.
One can hope for a plethora or people facing charges. Many of them are deserving and in need of a date with a rope.
He only has phasers on STUN right now. Who knows, he may turn the selector switch to GUILL in 6 months.
(Phasers are small, selector functions have to be abbrev.)
Maybe now we can find out who leaked the memo about the Supremes shutting down Roe v Wade in 2022. Then disbar him/her.
And what about re-hiring Edward Snowden to help find more "irregularities" in the govt?
One piece of data that "Data Republican" wants is a way to correlate the ID# of the grant recipient and their EIN to see what organization received the money. The ID# they have can sometimes be traced if their EIN has the same address, but it can also misidentify it with any other company in the building.
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