Tucker Carlson thinks so. Here he discusses the possibility with retired LtCol Daniel Davis. The video is keyed to start and end at the appropriate segment of their conversation, which is about five minutes in length.
That's a terrifying thought. What if a drug cartel, or a well-funded terrorist movement, bought a few MANPADS (man-portable ground-to-air missiles) and used them to bring down an airliner or two? They could shut down the entire commercial air market in a country, or even more than one country. The damage that would do to the world economy is catastrophic, to say the least.
I'm looking for more evidence to substantiate Mr. Carlson's claim that Ukraine is selling weapons on the black market. I'm not talking about rumor or innuendo - I mean hard evidence, like matching up serial numbers of weapons against shipments. If any reader has more information about that, please let us know in Comments.
Of course they are. The moment they left our hands they left our control. Just like our $
Tucker Carlson is being an idiot.
First, thanks in significant part to the Biden maladmistration's deliberate slow-walking of promised aid, Ukraine doesn't have stuff to sell
Second, and relatedly, it seems almost certain that the majority of the corruption in aid to Ukraine has occurred either in the US/Europe where things are "refurbished" or in moneys via USAID and the like.
Now did they do a deal with the Syrian rebels? probably. But that was Ukraine developed drones not US weaponry. And it looks like that has netted them some significant aid in return in addition to cutting off Russia's African adventures. But they would have no interest in generic weapons sales of US weapons because they need to use them to fight the Russians
Ukraine....it's government, is corrupt. Every bit as corrupt as Moscow and the Demonrat party here. So if they can make some money selling the weapons they were given and pocketing that cash you can bet the farm they will do so.
A Great Reckoning is coming, and it's name is Donald Trump. We've already seen how ruthless he has been with our domestic government criminals; just think how bad it will be for these foreign leeches that have stolen our treasure. It will be Biblical, and I'm grateful to be alive in this moment to watch it all unfold.
Having or getting firm evidence of this will not be easy, Peter, as you most likely know already, because the people that could provide it don't want to lose their security clearance for providing it, and given the atmosphere of the black market weapons network, wouldn't want to end up outside the circles of influence, so to speak. For all we know, manpads or other weapons were brought into the country several years ago.
And the little Jewish comedian running that country just recently bought his wife a four million dollar Bugatti. Wonder where that money came from???
of course they are. don't you remember that uke transport plane that went down early in the war? full of our guns, outbound. heck, the ukrainian army is operating in africa while we defend ukraine. i suspect the cia was paying them but i'm not sure on the who. our weapons are turning up all over the world, and not just the ones we left in the stan.
@0007: That Bugatti story is false. It was made up by Russian propaganda specialists, and has been debunked by several investigations that proved there was no such transaction. As for "Jewish comedian" . . . what has his religion (if he practices any at all - I don't know) got to do with it?
There were numerous reports from the field, back in 2023, of Ukraine dividing up arms shipments right after receiving them. One third went to the front, one third to the reserves, and one third for export.
Remember Beghazi was all about the State Department trying to recover MANPADS (Stingers) they gave (without Congressional authorization) to Islamic radicals to foment color revolutions on the Arab Street that were starting to show up in Afghanistan.
So of course US weapons are being sold by Ukraine on the Black Markets. I don't need that much hard evidence. I don't need to count the tiger's teeth ripping me apart to know I'm being attacked. I know how the world works and I've seen it before. I have enough mental wherewithal to draw inferences, and make logical connections. That's how the human mind works. Even a court of law doesn't require 100% certainty ... a preponderance of the evidence or beyond a reasonable doubt are enough to convict. When there isn't a cloud in the sky, I'm being pissed on, not rained on.
I figure if the Ukes don't the Taliban will or either have already. That's why The President wasn't on his own plane during the last of the race.
Things that can be true at the same time:
1. There are corrupt Ukrainian officials and officers who are selling weapons on the black market.
2. Thus has it always been in every war, and is not by itself cause to discontinue aid to Ukraine.
Alas during a recent visit to Lisbon Portugal the most expensive cars at my hotel were all Ukrainian plated. I hadn't seen Maybachs, the Bentley SUV and the rather fabulous Continental in the flesh outside of car shows.
The excess may not be their President's specific, but it was plain as day for real on the streets of free Europe.
Nah, no way. Oh crap. Stingers for everyone !
There are plenty of other reasons to discontinue aid to Ukraine. Like it's isn't now and never was in the US national interest to be involved. Let the EUrotrash deal with it.
@Mind your own business: Agreed. As I asked back in 2022, "Someone please tell me: what compelling national security interest does the USA have in Ukraine???"
Putin's already stated he's not going to stop with Ukraine, and intends to restore the former eastern Europe buffer zone, states now part of NATO. Personally, I find 'not ending up in a nuclear war' to be compelling.
I'd say no.... no major skin numbers in inventory control, over three years sent to Ukraine has been found by the Federales in Mexico. See Ryan McBeth's you toobes channel, makes a good case for Tucker pooping in his hat....
Thank Heavens no one in Iraq or Afghanistan was crooked.
Or in El Salvador.
Or South Vietnam.
Or Korea.
Or Europe.
Or everywhere else in the world we've gifted military aid in the last century (which is literally just about every country on the planet, including Russia and China).
"Im shocked! Shocked, I say, to find out there is corruption going on in international arms sales!"
Tucker is a half-bright mope, and a blind pig who occasionally finds an acorn.
This is not one of those times.
Sorry my American friends, but I guess fomenting war around the globe has consequences. We Aussies are no better, sending over $880 million to Country 404. Will serve us right when it blows back on us too.
At risk of being banished forever, the (((issue))) needs a bit of scrutiny Peter. You’re hypersensitive to it. No one is above review. If you’re not allowed to “notice” that the Country 404 leadership is practically dominated by one very small part of their population - isn’t that odd? In Australia at the moment we are getting ridiculous, draconian anti-Semitic legislation rammed through parliament without any proper review or debate. All because a handful of youths allegedly spray painted a few symbols on a place of worship. It REEKS of false flags and corruption. Then again, our banking sector and media are dominated by a very specific group that make up a minuscule fraction of our population. There is no way this is by “talent” or high intelligence - in my opinion. But apparently I’m a bigot, an anti-, just beyond the pale because I noticed this readily observable fact??? I didn’t attack or threaten or encourage anyone to do any thing. I simply noticed. It’s really odd that I am not allowed to notice this.
People also tend to conveniently forget that we signed a treaty stipulating that we would guarantee Ukraine's original borders remained intact.
Just like Russia did.
But hey, abrogate a U.S. treaty, and just walk away from it.
It's not like that will affect the actions of Japan, South Korea, or any 20 other nations in not developing nuclear weapons for their own self defense once it became plainly obvious that our promises and security guarantees were just boob bait for the bubbas.
What could it possibly matter if every nation in the Pacific suddenly decided that maybe having some home-grown nuclear weapons was a splendid idea?
It's not like every nation in Asia has some fairly recent experience with Japanese militarism, nor any grudges about the last go around.
I mean, next you'll be telling me the world is a wee bit inter-connected. That right there is crazy talk.
@Peter: Russia has chosen to align itself with China, and is currently being bled white in Ukraine. So long as the Ukrainians find it worth it to keep fighting, I am perfectly willing to keep sending them the means to do so, especially if replacing said equipment means that we can start ramping up production in preparation for war with China.
It's worse than that. Remember when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991? And Ukraine had possession of five thousand nuclear warheads from the former Soviet arsenal? Guess who forced them to turn them over to Russia? George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Back around 2014, Obama forced the Ukrainians to turn over vast stockpiles of artillery ammunition, armored vehicles, and jet aircraft to Russia by conditioning trade and aid on it. The bombs now falling on Ukrainian children's heads were in arsenals in Ukraine only a few years ago.
The Ukrainians have every right to hate us. We are the authors of their suffering almost as much as the Russians are. They suffered a brutal Russian occupation for generations and it is the US government that forced them to trade the only thing they had that could have prevented it from happening again for empty promises. Yet they cooperate with the US government at every turn and even supplied troops for Dubya's war with Iraq.
It is vile that Putin has invaded them, with the stated intent of recreating the Soviet Empire, though it's not terribly surprising, given the list of neighboring countries he's spent the last twenty-five years invading. It is vile that the Bushes and the Clintons helped him do it. It is vile that Biden's obvious senility and a State Department that never met an enemy of the US they didn't love made Putin think he could get away with it. If the Ukrainians don't have a nuclear weapons program now, they're out of their minds.
We have spent fifty years demonstrating to the world that being America's enemy is dangerous, but being America's ally is fatal. I had high hopes that Trump, who was willing to arm the Ukrainians in the first place before the war, after Obama withheld promised military aid, would be on the right side this time, but it is not looking that way. And, leaving aside the geopolitics, leaving aside that Russia has always been an enemy of civilization right up there with Islam and China, leaving aside that the Russians have gotten off very lightly for trying and failing to conquer and enslave the human race, leaving aside that abandoning those people will make America look fickle, weak, weak-willed, and stupid, and only encourage China, there is also a moral aspect. We have a moral obligation here. It's by far more clear-cut than almost any other foreign policy question of the last century.
It is easy, and facile, to say "screw dem peoples, wut dey done for us lately? nunna our biz, bro. Tucker Carlson sez dey stealin from us, bro. if we just give Putin what he wants he'll leave us alone, bro. trust me, bro," I guess. When Putin has recreated the Soviet Empire, and its arsenal of fifty thousand nuclear warheads all aimed at us, it'll be too late to say "we should have put a stop to this when it would have been simple and easy."
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