Wednesday, February 12, 2025

There's a lot going on...


If you haven't already read it, click over to Coffee & Covid and read today's essay.  It's a bit mind-blowing in its implications.  I won't try to excerpt it here - just go read it there.  It's worth your time.



Ultimate Ordnance said...

Thanks. I added them to my daily reading list.

Rick said...

That article is written in my style. I love it.
I am especially pleased to see that others are viewing judicial activism as it should be; it is more attempted usurpation of powers.

The article also provides a glimpse into how this administration is outmaneuvering the bureaucracy.

lynn said...

It is very mind blowing.

Dorothy Bogdan said...

Wow! I'm speechless. That was an amazing article.

Dan said...

Time will tell if Congress is actually supporting Trump. Congress critters have a LONG history of saying one thing and doing another. And the swamp isn't giving up. They will fight back. This is just the opening battle in a war. And all wars have casualties.

lynn said...

You know that they are going to try to assassinate Trump now. I am hoping that he kept his ex-Mossad guards as his inner guard. They will be earning their money.

Beans said...

Wow. SanFranNan and her posse of thieves are probably seriously considering what countries have non-extradition treaties with the US. And what offshore banks are the safest to store their ill-gotten gains in.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. If they can keep this going, they'll be inside the Democrats OODA loop.
I'm sure the courts will still try to stop new laws, but it will be far more difficult.

Note that what they want to enforce on federal employees (paying taxes, not leaking, etc) are already in the law - they just haven't been enforced because the process is too arduous.

I'm a federal employee and I support these changes.

LindaG said...

Great read. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I think C&C is making the mistake of believing without evidence. Sure they'll release the files...the fiction stories they wrote years ago and have been dribbling out ever since. 9/11 will say the bad guys hijacked some airplanes, cleverly on the day of a big military practice event which confused the response. Gee that was an oversight in our defense, and look at these new procedures we wrote to prevent it from happening again. UFOs: a small fraction of it was real sightings of secret military test and spy vehicles, which will remain secret. Covid 19 origin: not news, Rand Paul already waved that around in public. The Epstein client list will include a lot of disposable politicians and celebrities you've heard of, the same ones who illegally got rich, and none of the movers and shakers you haven't heard of. Official secrets: after our blue ribbon congressional committee finishes there will be no more secrets, which you know is true because the bureaucrats who lie their whole careers say it is true. Sure Congress will cut waste, fraud, and abuse, and balance the budget; just like they say they will every election. Some activists judges have made argument A, which now didn't work. The next wave of activist judges will make argument B, others C, and so on.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip/link BRM,
I too have him on my daily read list (right after yours).
he seems maybe more sundance-ish than Mr Sundance himself!

Aesop said...

That write-up was ★★★★★.
And the kind of thing we'd be reading in the lame-stream media, if they weren't the house organs for the corruptocrats.

Great find, Peter.

STxAR said...
