Thursday, February 27, 2025



J. K. Rowling is hated by the progressive left for her refusal to approve of genderism and the transgender cult.  Fortunately, she's not afraid to speak up for her beliefs, and can hit back with acid humor when needed.  Yesterday:

Love it!



HMS Defiant said...

She takes no prisoners. I keep thinking I should try to read her books again….

Technomad said...

Of course, JKR is rich enough to tell the transgendering mob to go to hell and pump thunder. People whose jobs and livelihoods are in danger if they don't spout the current party line can't be that outspoken.

Anonymous said...

Change parties!

Aesop said...

That's precisely what makes her honorable and praiseworthy.

She speaks out even though she doesn't have to.

Anonymous said...

While I did enjoy the Harry Potter series and have been most amused by the Very Online fans' reactions to Rowling's deviating from progressive orthodoxy on this one issue...

Her take on the sustainability of the wizarding world's secrecy is terrible, as is a lot of her large-scale worldbuilding.

Peter said...

True, but remember she was writing for children, where such elements aren't necessarily as important.

Dave Bagwill said...


Tregonsee said...

I do not think the UK realizes what a treasure they have in this lady. A couple years back when the Scots parliament put some stupid pro trans law (but I repeat myself) on the books with a largeish penalty she immediately stood up and violated it. An act that made this woman of Northern English origin far more akin to William Wallace and the later lights of the Scottish Enlightenment than most sitting of the spineless puling folks sitting in the Scots Parliament. Like Elon (though not to quite that degree) she is basically immune to any economic leverage having surpassed the personal wealth of the late Queen Elizabeth II .

Dakota Viking said...

Read ALL the "Potter" books, My kids were of the age, and I read to see what the Buzz was about... Good, fun stories, good-v-evil and the subtleties... The movies are still a guilty escape. Couple years ago in the hospital (Liver failure, I"m a bad boy) Some channel ran a Harry Potter marathon, I was glued to it and apologized to the nurses, "Oh you caught me, a grey haired man watching Harry Potter" they'd laugh, and at least two said they'd like to just sit with me and watch. That and 'Deadliest Catch" got me through.
JKR is gold.
Peter, I enjoy your books too, You've out paced my reading so I'm a couple books behind on your series's. I promise to catch up. There are other authors I read, kinda' run a rotation, so I ebb and flow who I read. You know them. All good.