Wednesday, February 5, 2025

That gets it said


Found on social media:

It's funny, but it's also tragic.  Oh, well.  Let the cleanup continue!



Old NFO said...

Agreed! Especially with some of the things coming out!!!

Kentucky Packrat said...

Most school districts in Kentucky have a full time person who just writes federal grants and runs grant compliance. Eliminate that job, and let the state do a fractional tax increase matching a federal tax break, and most districts would be in better shape.

Brother Pilot said...

Get the fedgov out of education.... and vastly more important, get the parents involved. More parents involved more and there is little to no need to replace the federal monies.

Paul said...

Luckily my kids are all through the stat indoctrantion camps. Not that they were any better then

Tree Mike said...

Well duh! Private contractors can do that better AND cheaper!