Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday morning music


A somewhat unusual musical joke this morning, courtesy of In The Middle Of The Right, who posted this video.  It's set to the Bee Gees' hit "Stayin' Alive" from the movie "Saturday Night Fever".

And, for those who don't remember the disco era, here's the original tune.

Mercifully, the disco era didn't last long.



SiGraybeard said...

Almost spit my coffee.

It even looks like the way Travolta walked.

BobF said...

I'd SWEAR I see hips in that Slinky!

Bootmaker said...

I enjoyed their pre-disco folk rock era. Some of those songs will be classics forever.

Robert said...

Luckily, coffee was all gone here before viewing. Funny!

Anonymous said...

My high school years were the disco era. I’ve been told it explains a lot about me :). SLee

Anonymous said...

To each it's own, the Disco era was the time when I enjoyed life and music the most. Of course it was also the périod when I got out 3 times a week and chased every skirt in sight.

Doonhamer said...

These Brit comedians produced a real disc recording.

Anonymous said...

Disco halftime show or 2025 halftime show? You know which would be more popular.