Saturday, December 17, 2016

So much for Trump's links to Russia

Received via e-mail, original source unknown:

Says it all, doesn't it?



Jim b. said...

Interesting but both have ties to the evil empire. I just got off a liberal site, it's called badtux the snarky penguin. There he shows the latest on Wikipedia. Seems a while back, to prevent American closure of wiki, they moved their server to .ru. And then the Putin statement of infiltrating the end server also? I wonder, where?

Tal Hartsfeld said...

People always want to punish others for doing the same type of things they themselves do.

It's like some folks cannot stand not having some kind of monopoly on certain cherry-picked items.

RHT447 said...

Would love to be a fly on the wall in Bibi Netanyahu's office about now.

Old NFO said...

Yep, inconvenient facts...

Anonymous said...

I personally think Putin went to bed soundly on election night knowing that he'd won no matter what.

Unknown said...

Sorry, Wikipedia's servers are still in Ashburn, Virginia. Dunno where he got his "facts", but they're incorrect.

TheAxe said...

Unknown, I think James above meant Wikileaks.

But even if they are hosted or supported by Russia, the DNC didn't challenge the content of the emails released. So if regardless if wikileaks is tied to russia, it seems hard to complain about the truth, like Scooby Doo "I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids exposing my plans".