Friday, September 20, 2019

Not even remotely safe for work . . . but very funny

I try to keep this a family-friendly blog.  However, sometimes something not-entirely-family-friendly happens that is so ridiculously funny or stupid that it just has to be shared, even in as sanitized a form as possible.

That's the case with a video posted over at Chief Nose Wetter's place.  It shows a boy toddler who discovers one of his mom's "toys", and thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread.  Hilarity ensues.

WARNING:  This video is NOT safe for work, and requires you to have a sense of humor about boys and their toys, and ladies' ditto.

That said, for a good laugh, click over to Chief Nose Wetter and watch it.  Priceless!



Duke of URL VFM#391 said...


Jeff Weimer said...

The kid's gonna wonder why his nickname is Borat.

Silent Draco said...

Thanks for the warning, so I didn't spew anything liquid on the screen. Oooohhhhh .....

RocketmanKarl said...

Not sure why the dad is laughing so hard, he can't compete with that thing...

jon spencer said...

Wobbly sausage!

Thank you, still giggling.

Robin Datta said...

That was a good one! Star Wars has (or will have) lightsabers. Is this one a heavy saber? Or some other kind of saber?