Friday, February 7, 2025

A reminder: foul language and rudeness are not tolerated here


In recent weeks, I've noticed an upsurge in comments that are vituperative, ill-tempered, downright profane attacks on other commenters, as well as very nasty things being said about certain politicians and political parties.

Folks, those comments are not going to be published here.  End of story.

I've said many times that I try to keep this blog family-friendly.  That means at least a basic level of politeness is required from those who wish to interact with other readers here.  It's not difficult, and I don't think it's unreasonable.  Simply "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".  If you don't want to be referred to or talked about in foul, intemperate terms, please don't do it to others - and if you do want to be referred to or talked about in that way, I suggest you seek immediate psychiatric or psychological help rather than waste your time commenting here.

If that offends you, I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.  If you disagree, you're free to start your own blog and say whatever you please.



Lady Caer Morganna said...

Peter, because of those types of people, I chose to set my blog to moderate. : - )

Well Seasoned Fool said...

You need make no apologies. On my blog I delete anonymous comments.

Stevearinob said...

Since January 20th, we are living in such a magical time, anyone reading this blog should be in a happy mood. Anyone being nasty are trolls

Haverwilde said...

Well banish those Rock-Socking, Mutter-Trekking, Cretines.

Professor Badness said...

Well done, sir. Well done!

boron said...

no argument; not from me;
I mean, let's face it:
a bit of spice without descending into foul linvective does strain the abilities of most of the trolls,
OTOH, in the '50s my folks predicted that the new "Rock & Roll" would change the English language - and not for the better

Dakota Viking said...

You've been clear from the beginning, your rules. (don't know the details of this one... "don't care") We are guests. Period.

Wayne said...

No problem. Your site, your rules.

Aesop said...

Virtually every blog worth reading is moderated.
Because of the trolls, we can't have nice things.
Rock on, Peter. Your house, your rules.

lynn said...

Your blog, your rules. Hopefully I did not offend you with anything I said.

Grog said...

Some people's kids never learn.