I've never been a fan of Glenn Beck, but now and again he comes up with a very interesting insight or analysis of what's going on. He's just taken a look at the flow of money from the "Deep State", quite legally through Congressional approval, to layer after layer of non-government organizations (NGO's). He accurately calls it money laundering.
Take a look at this video. It's only twelve minutes long, and very informative.
This is what's being revealed by D.O.G.E.'s "deep dive" into government expenditure. We're finding tax dollars popping up in all sorts of unexpected (and inappropriate) areas. Independent analysts like Datarepublican on X are taking that raw data, running it through spreadsheets and AI programs, and uncovering the trail of a tax dollar from place to place and organization to organization. It's a long, complex process, and it's nowhere near complete yet. It'll take months to uncover the money trail . . . but it must be done if we're to deep-six the Deep State.
Don't get impatient with the process if there are no new earth-shattering revelations, the way there were in the first couple of weeks of President Trump's term. The process goes on, and digs deeper and deeper every day. My worry is that the impatient American public will get bored with waiting, and demand something new and exciting every day. That's unlikely to happen. Instead, I suspect that after six months to a year, we're going to see a very, very large organization chart appear, tracing the links between all sorts of organizations. There will also be flowcharts (or equivalents) showing how tax dollars made their way from government to private organizations, and why, and what they did with it.
I think we're also going to see just how much money certain congressional representatives and Senators have directed to their favored causes, and how much of that has come back to them in so-called "kickbacks" or "consulting fees" or "donations to re-election expenses". I wonder how many of our legislators will face criminal charges as a result? I won't be surprised to learn the number reaches into three figures.
That, of course, means that legislators (and their allies in the mainstream media) will be frantic to shut down the investigations, or mislead them, before they can be identified as guilty parties. It's going to be like a cockroach-infested kitchen in the small hours of the morning when the light is suddenly switched on. The panic and scurrying for cover of our political insects - on both sides of the aisle - should be epic . . .
I believe he is in the process of figuring out how to connect names, for example the spouses and family, to see if there is a loopback there.
For fun, I plugged in the NRA to see its link to funding, and it went through a lot of layers for it to get ~$100k from some foundations. It only took a layer or two for gun control groups to get millions. Some of the problem is having tax money going to a 'foundation' where they can then obfuscate how the money is divvied up.
We should halt our government from giving money to NGOs. Probably needs to be a constitutional amendment. The abuse has been absurd.
Any of our elected representatives who are incumbents need to resign in shame. They have been voting for this nonsense.
I want to see arrests, but Trump and team have thought this out. Trump is acting under the law and I think wants to get some prosecutions with evidence that is impartial. He's doing great and has earned my conditional trust.
We really need RFKjr to get to work on healthcare for the nation. Big Pharma has got us locked in. I also really want to know who is on the Epstein list. And remember the shooting in Nashville that went awfully dark. So much darkness and so many cockroaches. At least we appear to be on the right path.
It's a house of cards. A few key prosecutions, some panic among the lower players, and the evidence grows exponentially. The punishments can't be too severe for those involved.
I will still be awaiting the first indictment of any NGO CEO. I remain a doubter, until it happens. With Musk & his efficient coders, they may be fast enough, & Diggy-Diggy-Hole-digging enough, to embarrass some congress-critters. Indicting THEM may be a bridge too far.
yeah. never was a fan of "Glenn" either. like a few others I could mention he is in love with the sound of his own voice. and lot a lot of others, I too want to see who stole the money. seems to me a lot of the so called NGO are nothing more than a grifting op.
From your mouth to God's ears!
Lots went to state and county legislators too. Plus DAs where elected. I'm sure a lot of school boards also. Thus the rainbows everywhere
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