Courtesy of a link at Breda's place, we're treated (?) to a series of pictures of models and their outfits and makeup from recent fashion shows. They're utterly beyond my capacity to describe. Here are a few examples.
There are many more at the link. Proceed there at your peril . . .
All I can say is, if I were taking a lady out for the night, and found her dressed (?) like one of those models, she'd either be getting changed at once, or staying home - alone!
If these photos are indicative of the way societies are evolving then humans are really screwed up.
But, having said that I've heard the following theory: Almost all of the, so-called female fashions have been designed by and are promoted by homosexuals. They, consciously or subconsciously want to make beautiful women look hideous so hethrosexual men will be turned off.
I guess the theory's ultimate goal is: If the poofers can't have the guys the women aren't getting them either.
Greetings from Texas,
They must have been paid very well.
That's not fashion, that's insane designer show and tell. (He shows, we can all tell).
I wonder if anyone other than me thought "inspired by First 'Lady' Michelle" when viewing the top 2 pics.
I distinctly recall seeing her in similar outfits.
Gotta agree with toejam... I too thought the first pic was Moochelle...
My suspicions are awfully close to Toejam's: i.e., women's fashions are designed primarily by men who really don't like women.
I'm pretty sure hairdo on top right will be a hit in Enchanted Forest Trailer Park...
Word verification: medierc (medic orc)
Wow, the chick with the cans in her hair wouldn't be out of place at a hockey game here!
"In Heaven, there is no beer (NO BEER!), that's why we drink it here"...
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