I mentioned a couple of days ago that Miss D. was on her way to Dragoncon. Since then, I've had a couple of puzzled e-mails from readers who don't know anything about that particular convention. If you're puzzled by the name, Wikipedia has a good article about it, and the convention Web site has more information.
I've never been to Dragoncon myself, but CNN informs me that there are five major categories of geek in attendance: sci-fi, fantasy, goth/vampire, comic and videogame geeks. You can read all about them at the link, complete with photographs. Suffice it to say that normality does not appear to be a common affliction at Dragoncon!
Miss D. tells me she's been run off her feet today. She hopes to meet my blogbuddy and bestselling author Larry Correia tomorrow, which will be great if she can wade through the throngs of fans who are sure to be pressed around his table. I'm hoping she can bring back a Monster Hunter International cap for me. Wish I could be there with her. Maybe next year . . .
Meanwhile, take a look at the CakeWrecks Ode to Dragoncon - convention-themed cakes! Here's a sample to whet your appetite.
Yes, that's a cake! I don't know whether, upon cutting the very painstakingly-decorated icing, you'd be greeted with normal cake innards or mechanical debris; but I guess at Dragoncon, anything's possible! There are many more cakes at the link.
Larry should send you a cap anyway.
He did quote you on the cover of Monster Hunter International and I'm pretty sure you are the inspiration for one of the rather cool characters in it as well.
@Radagast: Yes, I'm honored to be the inspiration for one of them. Those who know me will know which one. Still makes me chuckle . . .
Nice Dalek cake. And our mutual friend told me which character you are in Larry's book. :)
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