Monday, September 5, 2011

Not quite what they had in mind!

I'm sure many know the famous saying, "Proper prior planning prevents piss-poor performance". Clearly, the driver of this car and his partner . . . hadn't.

Did nobody think it might be a good idea to calculate the effects of speed, angle, weight of the car, etc. before trying that jump? (Well, no, of course they didn't - that's why it ended up that way!)



bluntobject said...

No landing ramp? I'm thinking the crash was part of the stunt. Or at least I'd hope so... which just might mean they didn't think of that, either.

Murphy's Law said...

It's like I can hear Homer Simpson saying "DOH! Stupid physics..."

Anonymous said...

60 kilometers per hour?
I thought you said 60 miles per hour!


Old NFO said...

Yeah, they whole planning thing... Landing ramp???

FrankC said...

They had to do it to find where to put the landing ramp. Shades of "We had to pass it to see what was in it."

YoelB said...

Those big banners (from sponsors?) say ARDAF. Googled it. It's a Romanian insurance company. The mind boggles.