Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tree removal FAIL!

A tip o' the hat to reader J. C. for sending me the link to this video clip.

I wonder what the insurers had to say about that?



Shrimp said...

Bad as that was, it could have been so much worse. At least it only fell on the small shed and not on the neighbor's (or his own) house.

Some people's lives are merely meant to serve as a warning to the rest of us. You'll know them when you see them--on video on the internet, doing something that people everywhere say "why is this even being filmed?" Well, duh, because it might go wrong, and we can laugh at them when it does.

Anonymous said...

Where did he think it was going to go? Houses on both sides, the shed on the other and people opposite that. There was no safe place to that much tree to fall. People are stupid.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and a lot of people have no idea how heavy something like that is. Even dead and just the trunk, that thing probably weighed well over a ton. It hesitated for a second as it crushed the shed. It would have seen a person as just slightly thicker air.