Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A movie blast - and smile - from the past


Recently, in e-conversation with a friend, I learned he'd never heard of (much less watched) the 1965 comedy Western, "The Hallelujah Trail".  Starring Burt Lancaster, Lee Remick and an almost unrecognizable Donald Pleasance as a drunken visionary miner, it's a hoot!  I've watched it several times, and enjoyed it on each occasion.

It occurred to me that some of my readers may also have missed it:  so here's the full movie, which for some reason is available on YouTube without restriction.  Don't worry about the blacked-out bits;  they're a music interlude to let audiences take their seats.  It's a long film (about 2¾ hours), but I think you'll find it worthwhile.  Enjoy!

I wish they still made movies for entertainment, rather than shock value and "woke" anti-values . . .



Anonymous said...

Thank you! had not seen that since I first saw it in a movie theater. I believe I was just old enough to both laugh like heck *and* appreciate Lee Remick :-)

Brian said...

Nothing like a shot to refresh the memory. Great movie.

Celia Hayes said...

*giggle* I think I must have seen it also in a movie theater, and thought it all very amusing. A kind of cinematic shaggy dog story. It stuck very close to the novel by Bill Gulick -

Beans said...

Another funny is "The Frisco Kid" starring Gene Wilder.

As to HJ, will have to look that one up.

GUS said...

Protect both rears simultaneously!

Jim said...

Saw it in the theater back when I was a teen. I still catch it now and then. Fun fil and Donald Pleasance is a real scene stealer.

Uchuck the Tuchuck said...

AHH! I See it clearly now!

BobF said...

Yep. One of those "I don't believe I'm watching this" movies.

Don C. said...

"I've watched it several times, and enjoyed it on each occasion." Yes, that's what to do. I'm always amazed that few people revel in watching a movie more than once. They must not have a favorite food. They only eat a type/style of food once. Why would anyone eat the same (favorite) food more times?

Certain movies you need to savor - like "Lethal Weapon" or "The Gods Must Be Crazy - Part 2" for me. I have them on DVD, but I never watch that, I like to be surprised when they're on broadcast TV.