Thursday, August 8, 2024

On the road for a few days


My wife and I will be on the road for a few days, doing some book research and visiting related sites.  Blogging will be intermittent, as and when I can find time (and an Internet connection) to upload something.  We'll get home (God willing) on Sunday, so normal blogging service should resume next Monday.



EricW said...

Safe travels, and may the air conditioning never break down!

Old NFO said...

Enjoy the trip!

Anonymous said...

Safe travels.

lynn said...

Good hunting and good travels !

Grog said...

Safe travels and good thoughts to you both.

Rob said...

Safe travels!

Anonymous said...

Praying for a safe trip for y'all, Peter. Enjoy the research and all else!
--Tennessee Budd

TheAxe said...

Safe Travels! Looking forward to more Peter Grant books to read :)

Jerry said...

Safe travels y'all.