Monday, August 5, 2024

Worth remembering


This is why I, for one, won't be voting for Kamala Harris under any circumstances, irrespective of her political affiliation.

Says it all, right there . . .



Landroll said...

I remember the case but no longer remember what they were charged with nor the resolution. No mateer1 she has enough other things in her 'unh unh' ledger column in my book. Cheers

Anonymous said...

The priests of Moloch didn't sell the ashes afterward, did they?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that she hid exonerating evidence in multiple criminal cases, sending innocent men to jail so that her numbers looked better.

Old NFO said...

Nuff said...

Steve said...

I posted this on a "It's partially false" warning. Oy, when is partially false not totally false? I suppose we ceded meanings way back when. Can we get that back?