Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How smart are dogs?

That question was recently asked by Nova, a TV program on the US Public Broadcasting Service.  Hosted by the inimitable Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, the report offers a fascinating look at how dogs think, react, learn and respond.  At almost fifteen minutes, it's longer than the video clips I normally embed here;  but I found it so interesting I'm going to use it anyway.  Enjoy!



Mikael said...

Some dogs are clearly smarter than others. I doubt you could get a toy breed to do as well as this bordercollie. But it does put a different light on huskys(alaskan/siberian) that can be taught to talk. (youtube for Mishka for a great example, my favorite is when Mishka is asked "Mishka, are you stupid?" and answers "Noooooooooo").

Old NFO said...

Excellent video, my daughter loved it and is now huntin for the others, including Mishka talking... :-)

Anonymous said...

After watching this program on PBS last year, I wanted to see if our Chihuahua-Dachshund mix, Mitzi, could learn to distinguish between her toys. So I taught her the names of 10 toys. She's not as eager to do what we want when we ask her as other dogs I've owned, but when she is in the mood, she gets the correct toys 9 times out of 10. She will even get them if they are in another room. Anything to get me to play with her. :D

It's amazing how well our companion animals learn to read us and somewhat understand our language even though it's a way of communication not possible for them. Well, except for Mishka. :)

Purple Magpie

Anonymous said...

Not a huge fan of Tyson. Bit of a jerk, but besides that nice vid.

Mikael said...

So anonymous, are you still angry about the reclassification of pluto, or are you peeved on religious grounds?