Mike B. circulated this picture on an e-mail list to which I belong. He asked, "Can anybody explain what I see in this photo?"
(Click the picture for a larger view.)
Apart from it being funny, of course, the picture intrigued me. I've been trying to figure out where it was taken, who the soldiers are, and so on.
I think (but I'm not sure) that the helmets are those of Italian troops of the pre-World-War-II period. The physical setting looks as if it could be southern Italy or Sicily, but could also fit certain parts of North Africa (where Italy had colonies at that time).
I thought I'd throw it open to readers. Do any of you have suggestions as to when and where that picture might have been taken? If so, please post a comment.
Thanks muchly.
Looks like a metaphor for the US economy post WWII to me.
My first thought was the Sgt. yelling,"Johnson! Get your ass up that hill on the double!"
The guy on the left of the picture seems to be wearing a cape and a Roman Tribunes Helmet (front to rear crest), just in case the donkey isn't confusing enough.
I'd guess bait... look there's a donkey in the field no solders.
Or cover... looks like he's carrying rocket tubes in addition to the stuffed donkey.
Those look like Goumiers- French colonial/irregular troops in North Africa or Italy WWII. Why he's carrying a donkey I can't tell. Plus three mortar rounds.
I wonder if the donkey might be a cleverly disguised mortar tube... no... maybe... no... hmm...
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