Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Some amazing high-speed low flying!

This video clip shows an F/A-18 Hornet flying low and fast over California.  Note how it has to pull steep banks, even inverted turns, to avoid the terrain.  Also note the very fast roll rate - one of the hallmarks of a highly maneuverable aircraft.  I highly recommend watching the video in full-screen mode.

That's some pretty good piloting, right there . . . and thank heavens the person posting the video didn't add a cheesy music soundtrack!  That makes it much more enjoyable.  I wish more YouTube posters would learn that lesson!



Toejam said...

I saw this video somewhere else. Yup, it's actually one of the better ones.

That kids drivin has to have some great reflexes or he'd wind up as a smear on the country-side.

Donald Sensing said...

Here's another cockpit view of an F-18, this time doing aerobatics at an air show site.

Murphy's Law said...

And to think that some people get paid to do that.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to check with the jet fighter dealerships and see what kind of a trade-in credit they'll give me for my Cessna.

Anonymous said...

Now excuse me I do not like to fly and although that was neat to watch.....uuuuurrrppp...

Old NFO said...

LOL, that's down off San Diego... :-) FUN!!! The real E-ticket is through the Sierras from Whidbey Island to Fallon! Got the 'pleasure' of that once! And the inverted pull over ridgelines is to minimize RCS and quicker descent. Also by inverting, you can 'see' better than doing a negative G push.

bruce said...

thanks NFO, I wondered why he never pushed down, makes sense.