Monday, May 16, 2016


Courtesy of By Other Means:

No ****, Sherlock!



m4 said...

Doesn't that imply that you agree that government is unambiguously evil and that even a well-meaning leader will soon be turned into a puppet for the evil that permeates it?

Bruce said...

Eh, more like Edmund Burke was right - power corrupts. The rest of his statement being unneeded for this exercise...

Old NFO said...

ROTF. Yep, they are out there!

Anonymous said...

Well George Washington said that Government was like fire, a dangerous servant and a tyrannical master. Who would have though him to turn out to be an incurable optimist?

JohninMd.(HELP?!??) said...

All of which points out how Washington truely was the Revolution's "Irreplaceable Man".....