A man in Brazil learned the hard way that with "friends" like his, who needs enemies? They glued several dildos onto his back, which eventually required the services of a hospital to remove them. I don't know what he's saying, but it doesn't sound very friendly!
The video, which you can watch here (I won't embed it, because I try to keep this blog family-friendly), isn't safe for work . . . but it is very funny. His "friends" remind me of some of my fellow servicemen during my military days!
You can read more about the story here.
Snerk... Yep, don't know what he did, but he DID pay for it...
Man! Worst we did was duct tape a guy into his bunk after he passed out in his billet. Well, okay, there was the one time we duct taped him, then suspended his rack from a tree branch - in the rain . . .
Top decided that *that* was a little over the line, even though it wasn't raining when we put him up there.
Nail polish remover and a little help from someone. Then it's time for revenge.
Even with my OK'ish Brazilian Portagee, I mostly only understood some F-bombs and threats of revenge. Which were both repeated several times.
The worst we ever did was caulk a buddy's butt cheeks together with Liquid Nails roofing cement. Poor guy carried a butter knife in his back pocket for a month.
What goes around, comes around. I remembered that well for the time in my life when some thought practical jokes were the thing. Of course when you do that some guy who really doesn't have an upper limit on revenge? It can be deadly.
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