Thursday, April 27, 2023

Doofus Of The Day #1,106


Courtesy of a link at Eatgrueldog, today's award goes to a particularly clueless woman who posted a video on Twitter of how she almost shot herself in the head.  Click on the link to view it - I can't embed Twitter videos here.

All I can say is that anyone who plays - plays!!! - with loaded guns deserves all they get.  Stupidity is its own reward.  Sadly, many of them end up hurting, or even killing, other innocent people who didn't deserve to get caught up in their stupidity.

I don't predict a stellar future for this lady . . .



Bill Johnson said...

Sailer's law in action.

Anonymous said...

And she did it with her child standing in front of her.

Anonymous said...

There oughta be a law!

Nylon12 said...

Perfect example of "gun went off" report but the finger PULLED the trigger!

SteveP said...

She looks to me like a teenager, around 14 or 15 maybe. I knew it wasn't going end well when she tried to rack the slide on a revolver.

Old NFO said...

Dammit, Darwin missed!

Tree Mike said...

Well THAT left a mark. If she's lucky, she traumatized herself enough to stay away from evil, dangerous black thingies.

Anonymous said...

Play acting for "likes" with a firearm, I can foresee that childish girl, full of emotions and indignation over some 'slight' point that weapon at someone, sneering with superiority (like a grrl-boss) and it "just went off in her hand . . ."

Hopefully she'll become an extremely widely known "influencer" - for firearm safety and hearing aids.

Paul said...

Darwin almost won that one.

Andrew Smith said...

I just don't know how she'd going to explain it to the hairdresser next time.

nick flandrey said...

Half an inch to the side and she'd have been another statistic to bludgeon responsible gun owners with.

Remember her when you next hear about a kid accidentally killing themself with an unsecured weapon.

Stupid got a second chance this time. Hope she makes the best of it.

Mind your own business said...

Nice to see that this level of stupidity and carelessness doesn't just belong to dumb males posturing in front of a camera for the acknowledgment of equally stupid people. Equal opportunity retard. said...

Please God, NO!! That's part of why we're in the mess we're in, people wanting a law against stupidity, when Nstural Selection will take care of it....

Anonymous said...

There’s a whole new crop of potential Darwin Award winners in this society these days.