Thursday, April 20, 2023

The "Welcome Corps" - for those whose feelings override common sense


And magazine points out the reality of the illegal alien invasion.  It's being organized, sponsored and facilitated by the US government - which now expects us to accommodate the invaders.

With great fanfare, the State Department has now kicked off the Welcome Corps.

“The Department of State, in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services, is pleased to announce the creation of the Welcome Corps, a new private sponsorship program that empowers everyday Americans to play a leading role in welcoming refugees arriving through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) and supporting their resettlement and integration as they build new lives in the United States. Over the past year, the American people have extended an extraordinarily welcoming hand to our Afghan allies, Ukrainians displaced by war, and Venezuelans and others fleeing violence and oppression. The Welcome Corps will build on Americans’ generosity of spirit by creating a durable program for Americans in communities across the country to privately sponsor refugees from around the world. The Welcome Corps is the boldest innovation in refugee resettlement in four decades.”

“In the first phase of the program, private sponsors participating in the Welcome Corps will be matched with refugees whose cases are already approved for resettlement under the USRAP. The Department of State will begin facilitating matches between private sponsors and refugees arriving within the first six months of 2023.”

. . .

The average American believes and expects that our government is at least nominally attempting to control the flow of migrants into this country. That is not even arguably true. In fact, it is now the explicit, formal policy of the United States government to ensure the orderly movement of huge numbers of people into this country. We are not trying to stop them and failing. We are bringing them here.

. . .

That is now the formal policy of the United States government. We are focused on making sure that migration into this country occurs, and we are providing the necessary resources to make sure that it is as efficient as possible.

To this end, the United States via the United Nations has established what amounts to a conveyor belt of camps across Central America to allow migrants to move north in large numbers to our southern border. This is happening with the direct involvement of the Department of Homeland Security. DHS Secretary Mayorkas just visited camps in Panama as part of an ongoing effort by the Biden administration to double the capacity of the existing infrastructure.

Biden does not want to stop the flow of migrants. He wants to increase it.

The migrants are not wandering north only on foot. They are being moved in luxury buses like you might take on a tour. They are bused from camp to camp in vast numbers. Again, the bill for this is paid by United Nations outfits financed by the United States government.

Just to ensure migrants don’t get lost the Red Cross hands out maps and guides. They show the routes to take. They show where all the camps are located. They provide detailed instructions on how to get across the U.S. border.

You are paying for those too.

In two short years, we have gone from securing our border to using the resources of the American people to move literally millions of undocumented individuals into this country in clear violation of our laws and contrary to the wishes of the vast majority of Americans. We are flooding this country with illegal immigrants not just from Central America but from at least 140 nations around the globe.

And, now when all these millions of people get here, Joe wants you to take them in and support them. You might need bunk beds in that spare bedroom.

There's more at the link.

Since illegal aliens start their lives in the USA by disrespecting and disobeying our laws regarding immigration, I don't have much any confidence that they'll uphold other laws.  That being the case, and since I have all too much experience of dealing with criminals, my home will remain firmly closed to them, thank you very much!  (On the other hand, progressive leftists and their ilk are invited - indeed, encouraged - to participate in the "Welcome Corps".  It'll probably be an education in reality for them!)

The real danger of this "voluntary" initiative is that it may not remain "voluntary".  In many nations, where housing under emergency circumstances became limited (e.g. the evacuation of civilians in Britain during the Blitz in World War II, or the housing of displaced refugees in some European nations after that war), governments stepped in with mandatory housing schemes.  A householder might find him- or herself told that they would be accommodating a certain number of people, whether they liked it or not.  Friction between "guests" and "host" was often blamed on the host, too.  (My parents experienced that in Britain during the war.)

What's the betting that we may see something similar in this country, too, when the powers that be have brought in too many illegal aliens to easily accommodate them?  If you think that's far-fetched, consider the United Nations' "Pinheiro Principles" on "Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons".  Principle 7 reads:

7.  The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions

7.1 Everyone has the right to the peaceful enjoyment of his or her possessions. 

7.2 States shall only subordinate the use and enjoyment of possessions in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles of international law.  Whenever possible, the “interest of society” should be read restrictively, so as to mean only a temporary or limited interference with the right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.

Note the two sections highlighted in orange.  Who defines what's "in the public interest"?  The authorities.  Who makes the laws that establish the conditions to "subordinate the use and enjoyment of possessions" (for example, your home)?  Again, the authorities.  They can change definitions and the law at their own whim - and if it's more convenient to them to override private property rights in the interests of certain groups, don't think for a moment that they won't do so.  The Biden administration is already trying to legislate and regulate some consumer goods out of existence, such as fossil-fuel-powered vehicles or gas stoves, whether or not the public wants such regulation.  Given such massive and contemptuous disregard for public opinion, what makes you think they won't try to force Americans to accommodate the invaders they're bringing across our border for their own purposes?

The same goes for those who own "extra" property (such as a holiday home, investment property that they rent out to others, travel trailers or RV's that they use on vacation, etc.).  I'm willing to bet that officious bureaucrats may try to commandeer such properties "in the public interest" to accommodate illegal aliens.  It'll be disguised as compassionate concern for the less fortunate . . . but in reality, it'll be a land and power grab.  Expect those who resist the confiscation of their property/ies to be stigmatized as "greedy" or "uncaring" or "the rich who refuse to contribute their fair share".

Don't rely on the "Takings Clause" or the "Rule of Law" to protect you from that.  Those who make the laws may have other ideas.  By the time the issue gets to the Supreme Court (that is, assuming SCOTUS will act to uphold the original meaning of the constitution), it may be too late.  You may not get your property/ies back in even usable condition, let alone its original condition - and good luck suing for compensation.



Anonymous said...

The pendulum is at it's maximum potential energy point and about to swing rapidly the other way...

SiGraybeard said...

Your last paragraph is the essence of the problem. The process is the punishment. You have to wipe out your life's savings in lawyer's fees and they not only have the infinite checkbook to pay lawyers, they already have buildings full of lawyers waiting to spend your money.

Even worse, let's say it goes to the Supreme Court and the court rules in your favor, several years and tens of thousands of dollars later. Then they ignore the court, like all the states issuing gun control laws that contradict Bruene. They're daring the court to stop them.

There's a famous quote from Stalin, where someone tells Stalin the Pope didn't like something he was doing. Stalin supposedly said, "the pope? How many troops does he have?" In shorter form, "make me stop."

Jen said...

Ship them to Martha's Vinyard again. And wherever TH in Hawaii obozo and Orpah are living. Lots of them.

Anonymous said...

Anyone I am forced to accommodate under my roof will have a fatal accident very quickly after moving in.

"I have no idea how a family of four fell down the stairs all at once, officer."

Anonymous said...

The pendulum is at it's maximum potential energy point and about to swing rapidly the other way..."

And when it does swing it is going to swing hard.

Come on, Boogaloo, let's get this thing done, we have lives to live, children to raise, businesses to run and political criminals to exile.

Beans said...

California has already moved to 'annex' certain parts of peoples' yards to 'allow' construction of homeless sheds or small dwellings.

The Rule of Law isn't dead, quite yet. It's in critical condition, on a respirator, being slowly snowed (over-medicated) to death, but it's not dead, yet. Mostly dead, but not dead-dead. Yet.

Old NFO said...

All one has to do it look at how 'squatters' are treated these days... Owners have NO rights, the squatters have the courts on their side (and when they do get kicked out, they destroy the property with NO punishment)... Grrr...

BobF said...

I want fair play. For every person invo;ved with this crap I want authorization for one person to go to the border and stop invasion, by force if necessary. I'll pack my bag as soon as authorization comes through.

deb harvey said...

look at the rates of rapes in europe, including children
all those 'single men of fighting age' are here to rape and pillage
they will set up fiefdoms as warlords and your women and children will have lives of repeated rapes including gang rapes
i pray for my daughter's protection every day
it is already much worse than you think

how many 'immigrants' will be housed in hillary rodham's and chelsea clinton's penthouses?

nick flandrey said...

I was wondering how they would continue their march thru the Bill of Rights... they've been systematically abusing them with 1, 2, 4, and 5 being the most visible.

Being forced to quarter what I consider to be a foreign army in our homes would knock down #3...

The Jan6 kangaroo court is mocking 6, and 8.

Pelosi is on record believing the opposite of 9, and 10 has been under attack for decades, probably since the Civil War and the passage of 17.

I can only hope the pendulum will swing...


Landroll said...

The dipwads in the State Department and HHS have no idea who Aleric is or how well that sort of thing worked out for the Romans. Unfortunately they'll have to learn the hard way. So will the rest of us.

Charlie said...

The rule of law has been dead since July 5th of 2016

Gentlemen prepare to defend yourselves

lynn said...

Not in my house. Or my office building.

The wife needs to sell her inherited townhome in north Texas right now but we are too distracted with our daughter.

MrGarabaldi said...

Hey Peter;

They bring them in...ship them all over the country and plop them in mostly Red states and spread them out in Red areas to dilute the voting strength of the locals. I have nothing against legal immigration, most of them appreciate this country like my mom does, and know things that most of the "naturals" don't. The Illegals are a mixed bag some honestly want to better their life, others view us as a meal ticket and we cannot as a country "save the rest of the world" it can't be done.

Bob G said...

Downtowns all over the country (including my home town in Texas) are flooded with "homeless" illegals. Crime--epecially property crime--is way up...I wonder why?

I'm afraid things are gonna get ugly, and soon.

Anonymous said...

This is how they intend to dilute real Americans out of existance prove me wrong.