Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Coincidence??? Yeah, right!!!


Posted by Francis Turner on MeWe (clickit to biggit):

Coincidental.  All together, now:  "Yeah, riiiiiiiiight!!!"

You don't have to be a Trump supporter to realize that the Democratic Party's fixation over Donald Trump marches in lockstep with its equal fixation on deflecting any and all criticism of President Biden, his family, and their joint and several corruption.  It's so obvious, you could see it from outside the solar system!



Jen said...

The timeliness looks like a game of chckers. And they're winning.

Dan said...

The criminal commie left believes that the majority of Americans are so stupid they are incapable of seeing through this bullshit. And so far it would seem they are correct. Most people either can't see what's going on or simply doesn't care. Therefore they don't worry about the consequences of their abusive misconduct.

boron said...

All of the readers (I think) see this and agree with this.
Here we sit like a bunch of bobbleheads, nodding and saying: "He's right, y' know!"
OK! What's the next step?
We know the ballot doesn't work anymore, so...

RHT447 said...

Saw a meme (which I can't find now) with President Trump standing on a tank.

"Indict me! Every time, my polls gain another 10 points. Two more indictments and I win this bitch 100% to 0!

Old NFO said...

Yeah, right. Pull the other one, its got a bell on it...

Francis Turner said...

Originally posted at the meme commissary FYI - https://meme.aho.st/the-timing-is-completely-coincidental/

Francis Turner said...

Also timeline originated at Roger Kimble's article here - https://amgreatness.com/2023/08/06/joe-bidens-weather-report/

John V said...

They know we know and they don't care because they know we can't do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

Well, it could be coincidence... because it seems like every day something horrible about the Biden family comes out.