Monday, August 14, 2023

True dat


Found on MeWe (clickit to biggit):


The solution is to stop surrendering them.  Insist on them.  Demand that they be observed, and passionately resist any attempt to restrict or limit them.

As a wise man once said:

Rights and freedoms are like muscles.  If they're not used, they atrophy.



Hamsterman said...

And our "betters" really, really don't like it when we do, so they pass laws that violate these rights and drag it out in court for decades so no normal person will dare exercise that right. If they lose in court, they pass another similar law and repeat.

For example, all those states that could no longer issue Concealed Carry Permits to only "their" people, but to us common citizens. Suddenly every place they can think of is "sensitive" and the penalties huge if caught, and that's after spending $1000 on "background checks", "processing", "evaluations", and "training" that ends up taking a year for your permit that is good for only two years, and is voided if you move out of the city (or, if unincorporated, the county) that issued it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there's anyone out there with any real power who is actually working on rolling back the 4A and 5A infringements since 2001.