Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Great Train Robbery - comedy edition


Here's another comedy sketch from "Beyond The Fringe", part of the series we began yesterday.  At the time, the Great Train Robbery had just occurred in Britain, and dominated the news headlines for weeks.  This was the comedians' take on the subject.

British policing (or the ineptness thereof) has long been a favorite subject of comedians in that country.  I'll have to dig up a few more sketches on the subject.



JustPeachy said...

We have homeschooled from the start. Not because we had any serious ideological beef with the school system, but because we don't, and probably will never, make enough money to live in a "good" school district or afford a private school. Our local schools are pretty subpar, academically, and we figured at least for the elementary and middle years, we could definitely do better for our kids than the schools available to us.

Watching the news coming out of the school systems the last several years... has given me nothing to regret about that decision. Looking ahead, we have no hesitation at all about continuing through high school-- they're thriving socially, and they're so far ahead of grade-level at this point (we weren't trying for that, it just happened that way, as we worked at their own pace) that dropping them into a same-age classroom would be pure torture. There is no reason to send them to a brick-and-mortar school.

But I've noticed lately that the homeschool community isn't immune from the broader cultural decline. It's amazing that so many parents are horrified enough by the culture of the local schools to pull their kids out, but still willing to give their kids unfettered mobile internet access 24/7. You think schools are teaching them weird s**t, wait'll you get a load of what they're vacuuming up from tiktok & co.

Dan said...

Comedy of this nature now would get it's purveyor arrested and charged with all manner of "hate" crimes. Especially in FORMERLY Great Britain.

BadFrog said...

Have you read the Michael Crichton book 'The Great Train Robbery'?