If you thought that the Climategate scandal would shut up the global warming/climate change fanatics, you were wrong. They're at it again. The World Bank, wanting (as always) to squeeze as much money as possible out of the nations of the world, is proposing a 'carbon dioxide levy' on jet fuel; and Greenpeace and others are moaning about the 'carbon footprint' of the electricity consumed by data storage facilities, claiming that "your Internet search has just helped kill the planet".
These people are incorrigible! I don't think you could ask for clearer proof that they're not really interested in the science of climate change at all - particularly because that 'science' is anything but settled (despite what its proponents claim), and has never yet managed to accurately account for historical climate change, never mind present and/or future trends. No, what they're after is control, over people, societies and nations. If they can panic us into ceding control of our pocket-books, our public policies, and our private lives to them in the name of 'saving the planet', they'll have achieved their objective.
Control freaks are like that. They don't care about the means they use in order to achieve their end. Lies, half-truths and evasion are par for the course with them. Once they have the control they seek, I'm willing to bet they'll use it for anything and everything but what they said they wanted it for. As long as they can persuade gullible people to go on paying for them to scare us, they'll continue their scare tactics. The truth is not in them.
A big fight going on in Australia precisely on this carbon "price"...
Note: "price" is the term a crook politician uses to replace the word "tax", after having promised prior to being elected that there would never be a carbon TAX under her government.
As far as I'm concerned, it is settled, just not the way they think it is.
Once they resorted to outright lying about the science, they settled it.
Flying within the US is already within a thousand bucks. If they put an additional price on jet fuel, either flying is going to be prohibitively expensive or the airlines are going to go out of business. Or both.
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