Saturday, June 9, 2018

Never mind distracted drivers - how about preoccupied pedestrians?

I had to laugh at the news that a Chinese shopping center has installed a "lane" for people who want to - or who can't stop - walking while looking at their cellphones.  It sounded so ridiculous that I could hardly believe it, but apparently it's real.

One can understand why it's needed, of course . . .

Er . . . oops?



CGR710 said...

Perhaps that's the modern darwinian selection process?

Antibubba said...

If I were walking down the street in SF, I wouldn't be on my phone, and I might see Chewbacca, but it might not register as anything unusual.

Thirdtwin said...

You'd be too busy dodging bum dumps to notice Chewbacca.

renowebb said...

Thirdtwin so sad , but so true