Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Some amazing wildlife photographs

Britain's world-famous Natural History Museum has just released the results of its 2018 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.  There are some spectacular images.  Here are just two, to whet your appetite.  Click each one for a much larger view.

The winner in the category "Animals in their Environment", from Spain, is Cristobal Serrano with a drone-captured overhead picture of crabeater seals on an ice floe.  (Oddly enough, despite their name, they don't eat crabs!)

Highly commended in the category "Animal Portraits", here's a lioness captured by Isak Pretorius of South Africa.

There are many more photographs at the link.  Highly recommended viewing.



Old NFO said...

Simply amazing photos!

Chuck Pergiel said...

At first I thought the photo of the seals was a picture of sardines packed in ice.

Tom in NC said...

wonder what left the blood spot on the floe? A seal's dinner? Or a seal for dinner ?