Monday, January 14, 2019

Tongue not necessarily in cheek?

Found on Gab this morning, origin unknown (clickit to biggit):

At least he didn't mention meteorology - frozen steel posts during an icy winter . . .  What other sciences can you recommend that should (or should not) involve licking something?  Please tell us in Comments.  This could be fun!



Obligato said...

Mycology (hallucinations or death?)

D.J. Schreffler said...

Economics: Only if the benefit is greater than the cost.
Philosophy: What is the ideal lick? How can we know it exists?

Mad Jack said...

Proctology - Democrat politicos do it all the time.

HMS Defiant said...

podiatry oooohhh ick!
pathology don't do it!!!!!!
and my favorite astrology. only if she's cute.

Topher_Henry said...

Hematology - Best advised not to, unless you're a vampire.

sysadmn said...

Mathematics - tastes like legal pad and #2 pencil
Sociology - only if everyone is
Political Science - only if you're not running for office
Physical Anthropology - how long is your tongue?
Astronomy - No! It fogs the lenses
Theoretical Physics - Mathematica has a function for that
Experimental Physics - High Voltages or Hazardous Conditions may exist. You'll never know until you try!

mn-- said...

Gastronomy - sometimes the exactly right thing to do to it.

Keith_Indy said...

HA, that arrow to computer science is about right. Programs have a habit of working when I show up at other peoples desks. Funny that. Mostly because people are more careful when they have a programmer standing there saying, now what were you doing?

jon spencer said...

Ornithology, can be finger licking good.