Tuesday, July 4, 2023

A blessed and happy Independence Day to you all!


In honor of the festivities, from The Whiteboard (click the image to be taken to a larger view at the comic strip's Web site):

Please, don't make too much noise with fireworks, and protect your pets from exposure to them.  This is the worst season of the year for pets freaking out, escaping, and being hit by cars or getting lost and never coming home again.

Normal blogging will resume tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Aaaand that's three. Foxes in love, Circle and Square, and now this. Three new comics I learned about here.

Eric Wilner said...

Our (indoor) cats were fine with the considerable amount of noise here.
Our reaction to fireworks has always been to remain calm and reassure the critters, so they've learned that it's not an occasion for panic.
And! This year, my wife set a bunch of retired cellphones to playing purring sounds at various places around the house. This seems to have a soothing effect on the actual cats.
We all finished the day with the same body topology and appendage count we started with, and the cats are acting as normal as cats ever do, so it must have been a good day.